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作者姓名:李琼  赵佩春  胡良法  曾昭斌
摘    要:拟高粱是一种热带、亚热带南方禾本科多年生牧草,年可刈割4—6次,每公顷产鲜草150000kg以上。拟高粱适口性好,营养价值高,适宜喂草食家畜。拟高粱对土壤理化性质要求不严,在长江以北温带地区种植种子难以成熟和采集,可以通过无性繁殖(埋植、扦插以及宿根再生)推广种植。拟高粱青贮可解决养牛冬季缺乏青饲料的问题。拟高粱鲜草及青贮料饲喂信阳水牛对比试验日增重分别达到367.5g和366.25g,增重效果明显。种植拟高粱可以较好地解决养牛对饲草的需求以及冬季缺乏青饲料的问题。

关 键 词:拟高粱  无性繁殖  有性繁殖

Sokghum Propinguum reproduction in the North Technical Research
Li Qiong et .al.Sokghum Propinguum reproduction in the North Technical Research[J].Journal of Xinyang Agricultural College,1999(2).
Authors:Li Qiong et al
Institution:Li Qiong et .al
Abstract:Sorghum Propinguum belongs to the herbage of the family grass in thc torrid zone and subtropical zone, which can be cut four to six times every year, and it produces average output of over 150, 000 kg fresh grass per hectare. The nutritive value of sorghum propinguum is very high and suitable to feed plant--eating domestic animal. Due to seed difficult to ripe and gather in the North area of Changjiang Rive. sorghum propinguum may be popularized through asexual reproduction. The ensiling of sorghum propinguum solves the problem of green feed of OX, and also can make Xingyang bafflds weigh increase rapidly. In brief,planting sorghum propingeam solves not only the ox need of herb,but also the problem of lacking greenfeed in winter.
Keywords:Sorghum propinguum  Asexual reproduction  Sexual reproduction
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