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作者姓名:杨胜荣  黄宗洪  向关伦  甘雨  杨占烈  潘建慧  郭慧
摘    要:为了探讨进一步提高水稻产量的可能途径,对水稻产量与其生物产量、收获指数和产量构成因素之间的相关性和通径系数进行初步分析。结果表明:水稻产量与有效穗数、穗实粒数之间呈显著的正相关;株高与穗长、穗粒数、生物产量呈极显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.64、0.36、0.40;株高是构成生物产量的基础,该试验中株高与产量之间呈显著正相关,生物产量与产量呈正相关,说明生物产量的积累是提高水稻产量的有效途径。在通径分析中,直接通径系数的变化规律为穗实粒数>千粒重>有效穗>穗粒数>生物产量>结实率>株高>收获指数,认为:在通常保证一定有效穗、提高穗实粒数和穗总粒数、主攻大穗并适当兼顾粒重的基础上,适当提高植株高度以增加生物产量,可达到提高水稻产量的目的。

关 键 词:杂交水稻  生物产量  收获指数  相关分析  通经分析

Selestive New Combinations of Hybrid Rice by Raising Biological Production
Abstract:Correlation and path analysis on the yield characters of hybrid rice regional test was studied in Guizhou,to provide a theoretical reference for its high rice yield.The result indicated that,total grains or filled grains and yield have signific antly positive correlation,high plant and ear length,biological production,grain number per spike have obvious positive correlation,correlation coefficient iware 0.64、0.36、0.40;It pointed out that the accumulation of the biomass is a basic to increase the output of rice.spike length or total gwoth periodand yield have weak positive correlation,seed setting rate or 1 000-grain weight or panicles and yield have weak negative correlation.In path analysis,direct path coefficient from large to small:total grains>filled grains>seed setting rate>spike length>high plant>panicles>1 000-grain weight > total gwoth period.The high-yielding and high-resulting cultural techniques were promoted as follows:based on certain number of effective panicle number,number of total grains per panicle or number of filled grains per panicle should be improved and large panicles should be put emphasis on,at the same time,grain weight should be taken into consideration.
Keywords:Hybrid rice  Yield character  Correlation analyze  Path analyze
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