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摘    要:作为创建国土资源集约利用模范县(市)试点单位,合肥市在集约节约用地工作中充分结合自身区位特点,全面落实"4个全面",提升本区域资源节约集约利用水平。合肥市坚持规划先导,优化布局,积极利用规划编制,提高土地的使用效率;加强土地出让管理,完善土地供应全程监管、全域监管;依法处置闲置土地,加大盘活存量土地力度;构建指标评价体系,建立节约集约用地长效管理机制,拓宽公众参与和监管渠道,加强与行业协会、规划设计院等部门的协调联动,确保节约集约用地措施的落实。

关 键 词:土地资源  集约节约  土地利用  模范试点  合肥市

Study on Economical and Intensive Utilization of Land for Construction in Hefei City
Abstract:Due to own characteristics,Hefei city,as the experimental unit in the creating land intensive use model county movement,promote the level of resource usage.Hefei persists urban planning,optimization of spatial distribu?tion,and actively carrys out the planning of underground space usage to promote the efficiency of land use;persists enhancing the management in the process of land granting,perfecting supervision in the process of land supply;per?sists making good use of land reserves;persists setting up index evaluation system and long-term management sys?tem of land intensive use.In the work,we established the joint responsibility mechanism,cleared the functional roles and responsibilities of departments,broadened the planning institutes to form a powerful group to implement the land intensive use measures.
Keywords:Land resource  Intensive use  Land use  Experimental unit  Hefei City
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