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引用本文:李丰先,周宇飞,王艺陶,孙璐,白薇,闫彤,许文娟,黄瑞冬. 高粱品种萌发期耐碱性筛选与综合鉴定[J]. 中国农业科学, 2013, 46(9): 1762-1771. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2013.09.003
作者姓名:李丰先  周宇飞  王艺陶  孙璐  白薇  闫彤  许文娟  黄瑞冬
作者单位:沈阳农业大学农学院,沈阳 110866
摘    要:【目的】根据不同高粱品种萌发期对碱胁迫的响应,筛选出适合在盐渍土壤上种植的高粱品种,从而为减轻混合碱胁迫提供调控依据。【方法】采用人工气候箱内培养皿培养,以混合碱(NaHCO3﹕Na2CO3的摩尔比为9﹕1)模拟典型碱胁迫环境,在萌发期以25 mmol•L-1溶液处理35个高粱品种,蒸馏水处理为对照,每培养皿放30粒种子。人工气候箱内湿度为60%,光照/黑暗时间为12h/12h,光照强度为134 μmol•m-2•s-1,昼/夜温度为28℃/25℃。培养第4天测定发芽势,第10天测定发芽率、叶长、根长、叶鲜重、根鲜重、叶干重、根干重、子粒残余干重等性状,通过模糊数学隶属函数法和主成分分析法对各品种进行耐碱性综合评定,并进行聚类分析。【结果】主成分分析结果表明,根长、发芽指数和叶干重分别在根部、萌发因子和叶部中的负荷量最大,可作为萌发期高粱耐碱性筛选的主要鉴定指标。通过模糊数学隶属函数法可以对不同高粱品种进行耐碱性排序,不同高粱品种间耐碱性表现出明显的差异,最后通过聚类分析把35个高粱品种按耐碱性强弱分为三大类,其中四杂25号等7个品种为耐碱品种,吉杂319、赤杂28等22个品种为中等耐碱品种,龙杂9号等6个品种为碱敏感品种。【结论】根长、发芽指数、叶干重等指标可用于大量高粱品种萌发期耐碱性的筛选,隶属函数和聚类分析也可为高粱品种耐碱性在植物育种和鉴定方面提供依据。

关 键 词:高粱   萌发期   碱胁迫   隶属函数   聚类分析   主成分分析

Screening and Identification of Sorghum Cultivars for Alkali Tolerance During Germination
LI Feng-Xian,ZHOU Yu-Fei,WANG Yi-Tao,SUN Lu,BAI Wei,YAN Tong,XU Wen-Juan,HUANG Rui-Dong. Screening and Identification of Sorghum Cultivars for Alkali Tolerance During Germination[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2013, 46(9): 1762-1771. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2013.09.003
Authors:LI Feng-Xian  ZHOU Yu-Fei  WANG Yi-Tao  SUN Lu  BAI Wei  YAN Tong  XU Wen-Juan  HUANG Rui-Dong
Affiliation:College of Agronomy, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866
Abstract:【Objective】The objective of the current study was to explore the response of 35 different sorghum cultivars to alkali stress, and screen them for suitability for growing in alkaline soil and provide some guidance for their management under alkali stress.【Method】Mixed alkali were used (NaHCO3﹕Na2CO3 with the mole ratio of 9﹕1) to simulate the typical alkali stress environment. The 35 sorghum cultivars were treated with 25 mmol•L-1 solution or distilled water and incubated in Petri dishes for 10 days at humidity of 60%, light/dark of 12 h/12 h, illumination of 34 μmol•m-2•s-1 and 28℃/25℃ of day/night during germination. The germination force was measured on the fourth day and the germination percentage, leaf length, root length, leaf fresh weight, root fresh weight, leaf dry weight, root dry weight and remaining seed dry weight were measured on the tenth day. Through the fuzzy mathematics method of membership function, principal component analysis (PCA) and clustering analysis (CA), the alkali resistance of different sorghum cultivars were evaluated.【Result】The PCA results showed that root length, germination index and leaf dry weight were the most significant factors and are recommended as the main indexes for identifing alkali tolerance of sorghum at germination. The cultivars were ranked based on the membership function, and three groups on alkali tolerance were sorted from the 35 sorghum cultivars according to the CA. The analysis showed that seven of the 35 cultivars were strongly tolerant of alkaline conditions, e. g. Siza25, that twenty-two were had medium tolerance, e. g. Jiza 319 and Chiza 28, and that six were sensitive, e. g. Longza 9.【Conclusion】Principal component analysis showed that root length, germination index and leaf dry weight were the most significant factors and these are recommended as the main indexes to identify alkali tolerance of sorghum at germination, and in plant breeding and evaluation projects should be supported by CA and membership function to provide rigorous assessment of cultivars tolerance of alkalinity.
Keywords:sorghum  germination  alkali resistance  membership function  cluster analysis  principal components analysis
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