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作者姓名:毛沂新  尤文忠  张慧东  王睿照  魏文俊  颜廷武
摘    要:以辽东山区天然阔叶混交林重要组成树种紫椴和花曲柳为研究对象,通过生物量实测法,探究紫椴和花曲柳的碳素积累的变化特征以及不同器官氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)元素的分配格局。结果表明:花曲柳树干的平均固碳量和连年固碳量整体上高于紫椴,随林龄的增长差距有逐渐增大的趋势;40年生花曲柳树干平均碳素密度为322.18 kg· m-3,36年生紫椴为272.63 kg· m-3。在养分分配方面,紫椴和花曲柳单株N、P、K元素的积累量顺序一致(N>K>P),但在不同器官中各元素积累顺序有些差异。紫椴各器官养分积累总量顺序为:树干>树根>树枝>树叶;花曲柳各器官养分积累总量顺序为:树根>树干>树枝>树叶。紫椴与花曲柳树叶的养分归还量占各自总体的比例分别为4.11%和17.32%,而树叶、树枝与根的养分积累比重合计分别为57.07%和75.31%,三者在生态系统养分循环中占有重要作用。

关 键 词:紫椴  花曲柳  固碳量  碳密度

Carbon Accumulation and Distribution of Main Nutrient Elements of Fraxinus rhynchophylla and Tilia amurensis in the Mountainous Region of Eastern Liaoning Province,China
Abstract:Based on the biomass data of Fraxinus rhyncoh phylla and Tilia amurensis in broad-leaf mixed forest in the mountain-ous region of eastern Liaoning Province , we studied the features of carbon accumulation and nutrient distribution ( N, P, K) in organs of these two species .The average stem carbon sequestration and the annual stem carbon sequestration of F. rhynchophylla were both higher than those of T.amurensis,and there were a gradually increasing gap of the average stem carbon sequestration and the annual stem carbon sequestration between two species during the growing age .Average stem carbon density of 40-year F.rhny chohp ylla was 322.18 kg· m-3, and that of 36-year-old T.amurensis was 272.63 kg· m-3 .Nutrients accumulation descending order of two species was N , K, and P , but there were some variations of nutrients accumulation order in different organs of two species .The total accumulation of N , P and K between organs of T.amurensis was decreased as follows: stem, root, branch, and leaf, and those of F.rhynchophylla were listed in descending order of root, stem, branch, and leaf.The proportions of nutrients accumulation in leaves annually released to soil by F.rhyncho-phylla and T.amurenis s accounted for 4.11%and 17.32%, respectively .Total proportions of nutrients accumulation in leaves, branches and roots of two species were 57.07%and 75.31%, respectively.
Keywords:Tilia amu rensis  Fraix nsu rhynchophyll a  Carbon sequestration  Carbon density
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