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作者姓名:范涛  卢泰安  宗卉  孙卫林甘肃农大
摘    要:本文通过对甘肃不同产区滩羊被毛主要品质的分析后认为:各县、区滩羊被毛品质的差异与当地生态条件(及与此有联系的绵羊品种分布)有关。景泰由于毗连滩羊品种中心产地,被毛(与选种也有关)具有滩羊品种被毛固有特征,如被毛在细、长度上均匀;与国家规定的滩羊品种相比较,仅两型毛数量稍感不足,细度稍粗。皋兰,榆中滩羊除两型毛上的缺点外,被毛在细、长度等方面都不够均匀。作者认为:甘肃滩羊以改进两型毛数量、细度并兼顾改善被毛均匀度的改良方向能提高滩羊裘皮和成年羊被毛的品质。

The analysis of the main quality its of Tan-sheep wool in Varied Districts of Gansu
Abstract:Tan—sheep is a special and superior fur sheep breed in China. Gansu is one of its great distribution areas. Tansheep is not only a fur sheep hreed, but its wool is allso a suitable raw material for blankets. After the study of the main qualities of Tan—Sheep wool in varied distriets in Gansu provincc, the authors have come to the conclusion that the Tan—sheep in Jintai is the best so far as the type of fibres, average fibre diameter and fibre length concerns, and that the uniformity of above charactcrs of Gaolan and Yunzhug Tan—Sheep is not ideal.
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