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摘    要:黑荆盗毒蛾是黑荆树的重要害虫之一,在福建一年发生3代,以幼虫越冬,卵成块产于小枝条上,5~8天孵化,幼虫5龄,主要取食嫩叶,幼虫老熟时下树,多在草丛或枯枝落叶中结茧化蛹,蛹期8~10天,成虫羽化后当晚即可交尾,第二天开始产卵,每堆产卵量127~386粒,90%敌百虫体积分数1×10-3,80%敌敌畏体积分数5×10-4,20%氰戊菊酯体积分数1.25×10-4对1~3龄幼虫均有良好效果.

关 键 词:黑荆盗毒蛾  生物学特性  防治  黑荆树

Bionomics of Tussock moth Porthesia similis (Fueszly) and its Control
Dai Yanhai.Bionomics of Tussock moth Porthesia similis (Fueszly) and its Control[J].Journal of Fujian College of Forestry,1997,17(1):75-78.
Authors:Dai Yanhai
Abstract:The tussock moth porthesia simitis (Fueszly) is a serious pest of Acacia mearnsii in Fujian Province. It has three generations a year and overwinters as larvae. The eggs are laid on the branches and to be hatched within 5 ~ 10 days. The larvae generally have five instars and usually feed on the tender leave.When the larvae become mature, the larvae descend to the ground and spin their cocoons in the thick growth of grass or the fallen leaves. The pupal stage lasts 5~10 days. A female lays 254~632 eggs. Our experiments showed that the following control measures were effective: spraying 90% Dipterex emulsion in concentrations 1. 0/L, 80% DDVP emulsion in concentrations 0. 5g/L on 20% Pydrin emulsion in concentrations 0. 125g/L.
Keywords:Porthesia similis  bionomics  control  Acacia mearnsii  
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