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作者姓名:武丽琼  左雪冬  冯海燕  罗文扬  李土荣
作者单位:中国热带农业科学院南亚热带作物研究所 广东湛江 524091
摘    要:实荣村是雷州半岛一个自然村落,村周围保存有约10 hm2的天然次生林,依乡俗民约,作为风水林加以保留。实荣村风水林有2种类型:村落宅基风水林、坟园墓地风水林。前者保存完好,种群结构完整,树种丰富,原生的大树、老树较多;后者结构简单,灌木、草本、藤蔓繁茂,大树较少。实荣村风水林植物种类丰富,共有70科183种,植物区系热带和泛热带性明显,表现出明显的亚热带向热带过渡的特征。实荣村是雷州半岛乡土植物物种储存库,是当地中草药资源库。

关 键 词:风水林  植物种类  现状  实荣村

Investigation and Situation Analysis of Plants in the Geomantic Woods at Shirong Village,Leizhou Peninsula,China
Abstract:Shirong Village is located in the Leizhou Peninsula and preserves about 10 hectares of natural secondary forest in its vicinity as geomantic woods based on local customs. There are two types of geomantic woods in the village, geomantic woods in village homestead and geomantic woods in cemetery. The former geomantic woods were fully conserved with a complete structure of plant populations, abundant tree species and more virgin big trees and old trees, whereas the latter had a simple plant structure with luxuriant shrubs, grasses and climbing vines and fewer big trees. The plant species of the geomantic woods in the Shirong Village are abundant, totaling 183 species under 70 families, with distinct plant flora in the tropics and pantropics, indicating an obvious transit from subtropics to tropics. The geomantic woods in the Shirong Village is a repository of native plant species and local Chinese medicinal plants in Leizhou Peninsula, China.
Keywords:Geomantic woods  plant species  current situation  Shirong Village
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