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引用本文:杨玉珠 段海春 杨卫国 张晓兰 吴桂仙 杨腊梅 王勤 田文伟. 云南油菜高产创建技术集成及效益分析[J]. 农学学报, 2012, 2(1): 8-11
作者姓名:杨玉珠 段海春 杨卫国 张晓兰 吴桂仙 杨腊梅 王勤 田文伟
作者单位:1. 云南省保山市隆阳区农业技术推广所,云南保山,678000
2. 隆阳区种子管理站,云南保山,678000
摘    要:在项目区确定适合用种的基础上,针对传统油菜生产中播种量大、田间管理成本高、化肥农药利用率低等问题,集成了免(少)耕栽培、机开沟、适期精量播种、一次间定苗、简化高效施肥、统一管理培育壮苗、机械联防蚜虫等为一体的高效生产综合技术集成。筛选出一系列早熟、优质、高产且耐旱性强的油菜品种‘云油杂2号’、‘云花油9号’,在云南省油菜产区和周边类似云南省气候的早熟油菜产区推广应用,带动了油菜种植面积的扩大。高产创建样板面积680 hm2,平均单产3478.5 kg/hm2,比非示范区增545.1 kg/hm2,增18.6%,新增总产量37.07万kg,新增产值185.33万元;节支费用825元/hm2,总节支费用56.1万元,节本增效总额241.43万元,辐射带动大面积油菜产量均衡增产150~225 kg/hm2,经济效益和社会效益非常显著。

关 键 词:黄花草木樨  黄花草木樨  盐碱土的生物改良  蛋白质牧草饲料  粮食安全  

The Integrated Technology and Benefit Analysis of Establishing High-yielding Rape in Yunnan
Abstract:Based on the definite rape varieties in the project area, according to the higherseedrate, the high cost of field management and low utilization of fertilizer and pesticide of the traditional rape in the production. After many years of accumulated experience, Agricultural Technique Extension Station, Long Yang District has a set of synthesized technology integration of high-efficiency production which includes minimum tillage and no-tillage cultivation,the ditching with machine, suitable sowing time, a one-off thinning and ascertaining quantities seedling, simplifying efficient fertilizer treatments, by unifying management to breeding strong seedlings, machinery prevent aphids ,and so on, and screened two early maturity, high quality, high yield and with stronger drought rape varieties-cloud oil hybrid 2, cloud attar 9, which were extended in the rape production areas and similar climate surrounding earlier maturity rape areas in Yunnan, and have lifted expanding of rape planting area. The project established the high-yielding sample rape area of 680 hectares, the average yield was 3478.5kg/hm2, which increased by 18.6% with compared non-demonstration zone, the average yield increased 545.1kg/hm2, the new total output was 370,500kg, the value was 185.33 million yuan,and reduced expenses of 825yuan/ hm2, rape area of 680 hectares may reduce 56.1 million yuan , by the widespread radiation and driving, the average yield increasing of rapeseed was 150-225kg/hm2, which brought very significant economic benefits and social benefits.
Keywords:Rape  High-yielding Establishing  Integrated Technology  Benefits
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