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作者姓名:张国军  韩天富
作者单位:1. 中国农业科学院作物科学研究所/国家大豆产业技术研发中心,北京100081 黑龙江北大荒农业股份有限公司,哈尔滨150090 黑龙江省八五三农场,黑龙江宝清县155630
2. 黑龙江省八五三农场,黑龙江宝清县,155630
3. 黑龙江北大荒农业股份有限公司,哈尔滨,150090
4. 中国农业科学院作物科学研究所/国家大豆产业技术研发中心,北京,100081
摘    要:为了解当前中国大豆种植效益偏低的症结所在,提出节本增效的技术途径,对黑龙江省三江平原农垦系统主要大豆栽培模式进行投入产出效益分析,比较各模式的优劣。选取典型、一致地块,在统一品种、统一施肥的条件下,记载各模式大豆生产各环节的人力、物力投入情况,进行投入产出及效益分析。结果表明,在三江平原推广的大豆综合栽培技术模式中,大垄“行间覆膜”技术增产效果最为显著,2009-2010年单位面积产量最高,分别达4572.0 kg/hm2和3880.5 kg/hm2;玉米茬“原垄卡种”保水、省工,是节本增收的栽培措施,2009年单位面积效益最高,达9518.7元/hm2,2010年单位面积效益排在第二位;“大垄密”集合垄作和平作优势,便于优化群体结构,提高光能利用率,2009-2010年产量分别达到4002.0 kg/hm2和3288.0 kg/hm2;“三垄”栽培技术抗涝保收,是低湿地区和地块种植大豆的适宜栽培方式,2009-2010年产量分别达到3597.0 kg/hm2和3273.0 kg/hm2。农村小农户生产规模小,大型农机具少,技术到位率低,大豆产量明显低于邻近国有农场,2009-2010年产量分别达到2935.5 kg/hm2和2497.5 kg/hm2。由此得出,大垄“行间覆膜”等模式化栽培技术体系在三江平原农垦系统已趋成熟,但需根据具体条件灵活选择。农村地区要推进规模化种植,提高机械化水平,重点推广秋季深松整地和轮作倒茬等技术,提高技术到位率。

关 键 词:冬小麦  冬小麦  节水  栽培模式  土壤含水量  
收稿时间:2012/4/16 0:00:00
修稿时间:2012/5/13 0:00:00

Yield and Economic Benefit Analysis on Major Soybean Planting Models in the Sanjiang Plain of Heilongjiang Province

In order to understand the major problems causing low efficiency of the soybean production in China, and to find the technical countermeasures, the major soybean planting models of a state farm in the eastern part of Sanjiang Plain in Heilongjiang Province were compared using the input-output analysis, After selecting the typical and uniform fields, the manpower and material input of different planting models during growth period were recorded and the output benefits were analyzed under the conditions of the same variety and fertilization level. The results showed that, among the models investigated, the Wide Ridge with Plastic Mulching Model (WRPM) ranked first in yield enhancement, which was 4572.0 kg/hm2 in 2009 and 3880.5 kg/hm2 in 2010, respectively. Direct Seeding on Corn-stubble Ridge Model (DSCR) was the least in water and labor consumption, and produced high benefit (9518.7 yuan/hm2 in 2009, the highest among the four models, and the second in 2010). Wide Ridge and Densely Planting Model (WRDP) integrated the advantages of the ridge and flat plantings, resulting in optimum plant distribution and high population photosynthetic efficiency in the field, yielding 4002.0 kg/hm2 in 2009 and 3288.0 kg/hm2 in 2010. “Ridge Three” model was effective in water management, whose yield were 3597.0 kg/hm2 in 2009 and 3273.0 kg/hm2 in 2010, which was an suitable choice for soybean cultivation in low and wet lands. Soybean yield of individual farms in the countryside were 2935.5 kg/hm2 in 2009 and 2497.5 kg/hm2 in 2010, both were lower than that of the neighboring state farms, because of the limited field size, low mechanization level, poor management, etc. Comprehensive soybean planting models like WRPM are sophisticated and effective in Sanjinang Plain state farm system in term of the yield increase and benefit enhancement, but all models are subject to climate condition, technology and mechanization levels, indicating that farmers had to choose the suitable models according to their actual conditions. To improve the soybean production level of small individual farms in the countryside, the emphasis should be paid on the production scale enlargement, mechanization enhancement, and the extension of comprehensive planting models and the key technologies especially the deep chisel tillage and rotation, to ensure the standardization of the farming works.

Keywords:Soybean  Sangjiang Plain  Cultivation Model  Yield  Economic Benefit
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