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作者姓名:侯大山  李月华  李娟茹  李明远  范存智  安浩军  柴玉博  周广英  邰凤雷  张辉  孙明清  卫计运  宋晓颖  高倩  王亚楠  韩江伟  张广辉  李光  董胜旗  何煦
作者单位:石家庄市农业技术推广中心,河北石家庄,050051;河北省农业技术推广总站,河北石家庄,050000;河北乐土种业有限公司,河北石家庄,050000;保定市农业科学院,,河北保定 071000;石家庄市农林科学研究院,河北石家庄,050000;辛集市农业技术推广中心,河北辛集,052360;隆尧县农业技术推广中心,河北邢台,055350;石家庄市农机推广站,河北石家庄,050000
摘    要:目的]研究冀中南地区小麦-玉米周年种植节水生产新途径。方法]试验设玉米灌浆后期不浇水,在小麦播前10、20 d浇水3个处理,不浇水处理为对照,研究"一水两用"技术对玉米产量及小麦播前耕层墒情及0~200 cm土层储水效果的影响。结果]与对照相比,小麦播前10、20 d浇水对玉米穗粒数影响不大,但能明显提高千粒重和产量,增产率分别达5.9%和8.4%;耕层含水量分别平均增加11.0%、6.4%;0~200 cm土壤储水量分别增加771.0、663.5 m~3/hm~2。小麦播前20 d浇水对夏玉米增产效果较好,而小麦播前10 d浇水对提高土壤墒情及增加0~200 cm土壤储水量效果较好,从节约水资源,促进农业可持续发展角度考虑,采用小麦播前10 d浇水技术意义更大。结论]该研究可为夏玉米灌溉提供参考。

关 键 词:夏玉米  冬小麦  灌溉  产量  底墒

Effect of Irrigation in the Later Growth Stage of Maize on Maize Yield and Soil Moisture Content and Moisture Storage Capacity be-fore Sowing Winter Wheat
Abstract:Objective] In order to study new ways of producing water-saving production of wheat-corn in the central and southern Hebei Prov-ince.Method] Experiment with corn grouting without water, water on 10 and 20 days before wheat sowing, no water treatment was control.The effects "dual purpose water once"of technology on maize yield and soil moisture content of soil layer and water storage 0-200 cm of soil layer were studied. Result] Compared with the control, the effect of watering on corn grain number on the first 10 days and 20 days was not signifi-cant, but it can obviously raise the grain weight and yield,yield increased by 5.9% and 8.4% respectively .The water content of the cultivated layer increased by an average of 11.0%,6.4%respectively, soil storage increased by 771.0 m3/hm2 and 663.5 m3/hm2 .The effect of watering before sowing 10 day on summer maize was better than that of 20 days before sowing.On the first 10 days of wheat planting, the soil moisture content and soil moisture content was increased in 0-200cm.However, from the perspective of sustainable development of agriculture, it was better to water the water on the first 10 days of wheat planting.Conclusion]The research can provide reference for irrigation of summer maize.
Keywords:Summer maize  Winter wheat  Irrigation  Yield  Soil moisture
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