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作者姓名:郑法新  程璐  李侠  邵士成  刘群
摘    要:为了探悉云南红豆杉内生真菌的多样性,研究了云南丽江维西地区云南红豆杉(Taxus yunnanensisCheng et L.K.Fu)内生真菌的种类组成及数量。从云南红豆杉根、茎、叶中分离获得115种内生真菌,经过形态学和ITS分析结果表明,这115种内生真菌分属于21属,其中分布最广的类群是芽枝霉属(19种),其次是黑孢属(17种)和拟茎点霉属(14种),说明云南红豆杉不同部位内生真菌的数量、分布、种群及其组成存在差异,具有丰富的物种多样性。经初步检测,其中有4个菌种能够产生紫杉醇。

关 键 词:云南红豆杉  紫杉醇  内生真菌  分类

Diversity of Endophytic Fungi from Taxus yunnanensis Cheng et L.K.Fu of Tacheng Township in Lijiang City
Abstract:Objective]In order to explore the endophytic fungi diversity in Taxus yunnanensis Cheng et L.K.Fu, the composition and quantity of endophytic fungi was studied.115 endophytes were isolated and obtained from yew tree, Taxus yunnanensis.According to the morphological characterization and ITS gene sequences, these 115 species belonged to 21 genera.Among these, Cladosporium sp.Was the most prevalent genus, followed by Nigrospora sp.and Phomopsis .The results showed that the quantity, distribution, population and its components of endophytic fungi in different parts of Taxus yunnanensis existed differences.Among these endophytes, 4 species can produce taxol by the initial detection.
Keywords:Taxus yunnanensis Cheng et L  K  Fu  Taxol  Endophytic fungi  Classification
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