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作者姓名:敖金成  朱海滨  张静  符秀华  吕凯  郑武  徐洁
摘    要:目的]研究不同灌溉方式对烤后烟叶化学成分、致香物质含量及感官评吸质量的影响。方法]采用田间试验,设浇灌和喷灌2个处理。浇灌处理分别在团棵期(5月26日)、旺长期(6月18日)各人工根灌1次,灌水量1 kg/(株.次);喷灌处理在团棵期(5月26日)进行人工根灌1次,灌水量1 L/株。结果]与浇灌方式相比,喷灌处理极显著提高中上部位烟叶主要致香物质,中橘三(C3F)等级烟叶主要致香物质非挥发性有机酸、挥发性有机酸、石油醚提取物、新植二烯、中性致香物质总量分别增加24.4%、32.6%、20.7%、33.8%、26.3%,上橘二(B2F)等级烟叶主要致香物质非挥发性有机酸、挥发性有机酸、石油醚提取物、新植二烯、中性致香物质总量分别增加16.3%、6.0%、6.1%、10.8%、8.1%;极显著降低中上部位烟叶烟碱含量,提高烟气协调性、醇和性及持火力。结论]烤烟生产中,微喷灌技术是一种改善烤后烟叶内在品质的重要途径,在季节性干旱频繁烟区,烟草微喷灌溉可有效解决烟叶成熟期气候干旱导致烟叶品质下降的问题。

关 键 词:微喷灌  挥发性有机酸  非挥发性有机酸  石油醚提取物  中性致香物质  工业

Effects of Different Irrigation Modes on Internal Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves
Institution:AO Jin-cheng et al (Yunnan Reascend Tobacco Technology(Group). Co. ,LTD, Kunming, Yunnan 650106)
Abstract: Objective ] The aim was to study the effects of different irrigation modes on internal quality and industrial availability of flue-cured tobacco leaves. Method ] Two irrigation modes, watering irrigation and micro-spraying irrigation, were designed to carry out the field test. Wa- tering irrigation treatment was irrigating root once respectively at rosette stage( May 26) and vigorous growth stage(June 18) with irrigation water mode 1 kg per plant every time; micro-spraying irrigation treatment was irrigating root once at rosette stage(May 26) with irrigation water mode 1 L per plant. Result] The results showed that compared with watering irrigation ,micro-spraying irrigation significantly increased the contents of main aroma substances, non-volatile organic acid, volatile organic acid, petroleum ether extract, neophytadiene and neutral aromatic substance of C3F grade tobacco leaves increased 24.4%, 32.6%, 20.7%, 33.8%, 26.3% respectively, non-volatile organic acid, volatile organic acid, petroleum ether extract, neophytadiene and neutral aromatic substance of B2F grade tobacco leaves increased 16.3%, 6.0% ,6. 1%, 10.8%, 8.1% respectively; significantly decreased the contents of nicotine and improved the coordination of flue gas, the quality of combustion in the middle and upper tobacco leaves. Conclusion] The research found that micro-spraying mode can effectively enhance the internal quality and in- dustrial availability of middle and upper tobacco leaves which can be used extensively in the seasonal drought frequently areas.
Keywords:Micro-spraying irrigation  Volatile organic acid  Non-volatile organic acid  Petroleum ether extract  Neutral aromatic substance  Industrial availability
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