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作者姓名:郭晞明  赵国臣  曹静明  孙强
摘    要:通过超产2号品种不同播种量和不同秧龄期试验,明确了播种量100g/m、秧龄期40~45d能明显提高秧苗素质。不仅秧苗根系发达,带有2个分蘖、百株干重达7.7g和维管束数达14个,而且每m2穗数、每穗颖花数、单株粒重及产量均较高。通过一穴不同苗数插秧对比,明确了单本栽培方法比一穴多本(3苗)栽培大幅度增加了有效分蘖天数,提高分蘖力、分蘖成穗率、穗粒数、结实率和千粒重,同时还提高了粒/叶比、有效叶面积、高效叶面积和后期群体光合生产率能力,从而获得11788.5kg/hm2的产量,比多本植增产24.1%以上。

关 键 词:水稻  超产2号  单本植  壮苗  栽培技术  产量

Study on High-yield Cultivation Techniques of Stronger Seedlings and Single Seedling Transplant in Rice
Abstract:The result indicated that the cultivation experiment of different seed quantity and seedling age on CHAOCHAN2could clearly increase the quality of seedling with100g seed quantity per square metre and40~45d seedling age,and not only the root system of rice shoot developed flourish,having two tiller,the100-seedling dry weight reached7.7grams,the numbers of vascular bundle reached14,but also the panicles per square metre,the spikelets per panicle,the weight of total spikelets per pland and yield became better.The cultivation ex-periment of different seedling number per hill indicated that the method of Single Seedling Transplant could clearly increase the days of effective tillering,tillering ability and percentage of earbaring tiller,the spikelets per tiller,setting percentage and1000-grain weight.At the same time,this method improved the rate of spikelets to leaf per hill,productive leaf area,higher effective leaf area,and the productive ability of later population photosynthesis,gaining the high yield,and the yield reached11788.5kg /hm 2 ,increasing yield per mu more than23%than poly-seedling transplant.
Keywords:Stronger seedling  Single seedling with larger transplanting spacing /cm  In-dex of population qualitative  High yield cultivation
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