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摘    要:辨证论治是中医学的主要特色,但是由于传统的辨证论治体系中各种辨证方法很难"求同存异",对于"证本质"的研究很难"以偏概全",临床惯用辨病论治替代辨证论治等弊端,限制了中医辨证学的发展。在此背景下,朱文锋教授创造性地提出了证素辨证体系,该体系通过全面收集内、外、妇、儿科等临床常见证候,并使之规范化和数量化,明确了病位证素和病性证素两大基本辨证要素。证素辨证思想体系是发展数字中医药的基础,是沟通中医药与现代科学技术的关键理论。本文结合证素辨证体系思想,提出了构建数字中医药创新研究的基本思路和框架,对促进中医药现代化研究具有重要的指导意义。

关 键 词:辨证论治    证素辨证    数字中医药  

Syndrome fact differentiation and digital TCM study
Authors:HUANG Hui-yong
Institution:TCM University of Hunan
Abstract:Abstract] Treatment based on Syndrome differentiation(SD) is the main characteristic of TCM. Due to the variety and inherent difficulty of SD, the development of SD research is slowly. By way of widely collecting clinic syndrome, Prof. Zhu Wenfeng has created a new SD method, which is called Syndrome fact differentiation(SFD) system. SFD mainly consists of pathlogy position and property, which could be normalized and qualified.SFD system is not only the core to develop digital TCM study, but also a key theory to link TCM and mordern science and technology communication. Based on the SFD syetem, tjis aerticle pur forward the new framework of the digital TCM innovation research which has significant guidance for TCM modernlization.
Keywords:Treatment based on Syndrome differentiation(SD)  Syndrome fact differentiation(SFD)  Digital TCM
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