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摘    要:通过3年多对广西恭城、平乐等县及桂林市郊150个柿园的调查,对桂林市郊、平乐县、恭城县三地6个柿园7份土壤样本和平乐、恭城两县4个柿园14份叶片样本的分析及在恭城县的施硼试验,初步证明了缺硼是造成柿顶腐病的主要原因;同时初步明确了该病的发病规律,即不深施基肥的柿园发病重,恭城水柿比华南牛心柿发病重,环割(剥)愈合差的柿园发病重,其他病害防治差的柿园发病重,平地柿园比山区柿园发病重,9月中下旬温度偏高的年份发病重,发病轻重与砧木、树龄无关。

关 键 词:柿顶腐病

Preliminary Study on Cause and Occurrence Regularity of Persimmon Top Rot
Authors:QUAN Jin-Cheng
Abstract:150 persimmon orchards distributed in suburbs of Guilin, Pingle County and Gongcheng County in Guangxi province were investigated for more than 3 years, 7 soil samples from 6 orchards in suburbs of Guilin, Pingle County and Gongcheng County and 14 leaf samples from 4 orchards in Pingle County and Gongcheng County were analyzed and boron was applied as fertilizer in Gongcheng County. The results showed that lack of boron was the main cause of top rot disease; reducing basic fertilizer, improper ringbark, lack of controlling on other plant disease were correlated with disease severity, Gongcheng Water Persimmon, persimmon planting in flat land and high temperature in late September is vulnerable to top rot. Disease severity has no relationship with root stock and the age of persimmon tree.
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