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作者姓名:李 静  夏建国
作者单位:四川农业大学资源环境学院,四川农业大学资源环境学院 四川雅安 625014,四川雅安 625014
摘    要:茶叶是中国重要的经济作物,茶多酚、儿茶素、氨基酸、咖啡碱和水浸出物为国际上公认的茶叶品质成份。氮、磷、钾是茶树正常生长所必需的营养元素,它们与茶叶品质成分的形成与含量有着密切关系。适量的施氮对茶叶品质有较好的促进作用,施氮不足或过量则会对茶叶品质产生极大的不良影响;此外,茶树有喜铵耐铵的特性,施用NH4 -N肥有利于改善茶叶品质。磷能促进类黄酮物质的形成以及增加茶多酚、氨基酸和咖啡碱的含量。钾能显著提高茶叶中的游离氨基酸、茶多酚等内含物的含量,对水浸出物、儿茶素等含量也有影响;不同钾肥品种对茶叶品质影响不同,就提高茶叶氨基酸的效果而言,以硫酸钾最好。氮、磷、钾三种元素配合施用对提高茶叶品质起到良好的效果,单施其中一种不仅无助于茶叶品质的提高,反而会使茶叶品质降低。

关 键 词:茶叶        茶叶品质

Summary on Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K) and Tea Quality
Authors:Li Jing  Xia Jianguo
Abstract:Tea is an important cash crop of our country. Tea-Polyphenols, catechins, amino acid and theine are the elements of tea quality that are widely accepted in the world. Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) are indispensable to tea growth. There is closely connection between them and form and content of the elements of tea quality. Properly using nitrogen help to enhance tea quality, but scarcity or excessiveness of N is disadvantageous to it. Tea prefer Nh4 -N to NO3 --N. Phosphorus can promote the contents of flavone. tea-Poly phenols, amino acid and theine. Potassium can promote the contents of tea Polyphenols, amino acid and catechins. Different potassium types have different influence on tea quality. N, P and K must be used in proportion for improvement of tea quality. Only employ one of them is a great disadvantage to tea quality. We discuss the connections between N, P, K and tea quality in order to provide some advice for tea fertilization in this article.
Keywords:Tea  Nitrogen  Phosphorus  Potassium  Tea quality
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