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作者姓名:张锋  陈志杰  李英梅  张淑莲  王琦
摘    要:为有效控制陕西关中地区枣树生产中危害不断加重的枣缩果病.通过田间定点、定株调查,对陕西大荔县6处枣园枣缩果病的病原菌越冬场所、侵染循环规律进行了调查.并对发病情况、病情指数和流行因素进行了分析.结果表明:病原菌于5月下旬开始侵染,7月中旬开始发病,8月下旬至9月中旬为田间发病高峰期.病原菌主要靠风雨传播,从水孔、气孔及果洼侵入枣果而发病.枣树皮、枣头、枣吊、枣枝条、枣落叶都是病原菌的越冬场所.其发生与枣果发育期、枣吊位置、挂果量、气候因子、立地条件、虫害、栽培品种及管理水平有密切关系.根据缩果病发病规律,提出了合理选择园址、选择抗病品种、加强田间管理等防治建议.

关 键 词:枣树缩果病  发病过程  流行因素

Studies on Occurrence of Jujube-fruit Shrink Disease in Shaanxi province
Authors:Zhang Feng  Chen Zhijie  Li Yingmei  Zhang Shulian  Wang Qi
Abstract:The development and factors of jujube-fruit shrink disease were studied according to the experiments conducted in 6 jujube gardens in Dali county from 2005-2007. The results show that pathogens started to infect the fruit in the first ten days of May. The disease were begun from the mid ten days of June, and reached the peak from the last ten days of August to the mid ten days of September. The pathogen spreaded mainly by wind or rain, and penetrate down the dot of fruit or fruit depression. The pathogens could overwinter in many organs, such as bark, once branches, fruiting branch, fruits, and deciduous, But the fruits were the most important infection source. The shrink of fruitis closely related with fruit development, fruiting branch location, fruit number, tree vigor, weather factor, stand site, insect attack, management, and variety. Some suggestions for farmers are given.
Keywords:jujube-fruit shrink disease  development of disease  disease factor
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