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摘    要:近年来,玉米茎腐病在山西省玉米种植区已成为玉米主要病害之一,该病发生在灌浆期,表现整株青枯死亡,茎杆腐烂,倒伏。因此病造成的损失平均为15—20%。经分离鉴定,病原菌为 Fusarinm moniliforme var.subglutinans 和 F.bulbigenum,而且后者的致病力强于前者。本文还报道了玉米杂交种对茎腐病的抗性测定,证明杂交种间的抗性差异显著。

A Preliminary Study of stalk Rot of Corn
Abstract:Stalk rot has been one of several major diseases of corn in the corn area in Shanxi province,since 1977.A serious yield losses from stalk rot were caused by the premature death of plants,by stalk lodging which res- ults in unharvestable ears,and by ear rots that develop on lodged plants. The yield losses were estimated by 15% to 20%. The pathogens were identified and known as Fusarium moniliforme var. Subglutinans and F.bulbigenum.The pathogenicity of the latter was stronger than the former. The stalk rot resistance of nine corn hybrids was determined and the differences of their resistance were quite significant.
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