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作者姓名:常欣蕾  何小珊  陆耀东  王凤兰  黄翊民
摘    要:以盆栽姜荷花(Curcuma alismatifolia)为试材,通过测定其株高、茎粗、叶长、开花率以及叶绿素含量等形态及生理指标,研究不同氮、磷、钾配比的控释肥和普通复合肥对姜荷花生长的影响. 试验结果表明:在施肥量和肥料成分相同的情况下,施用控释肥比施用复合肥更有利于提高姜荷花的叶长以及叶绿素含量,其中以氮钾型控释肥对姜荷花的生长效果最佳;同样,施用控释肥更有利于姜荷花的开花,其中磷钾型控释肥开花率最高,更能提高姜荷花的观赏价值. 因此,在姜荷花的生长中,控释肥更有利于姜荷花的生长.

Effects of controlled release fertilizer on the growth of Curcuma alismatifolia
Abstract:Curcuma alismatifolia was used as the test material to study the effects of controlled release fertilizers with different ratios of N-P-K and the common compound fertilizers on the growth of C. alismatifolia by measuring its plant height, stem thickness, leaf length, flowering rate and chlorophyll content.The results showed that the application of controlled-release fertilizer was more beneficial to increase the leaf length and the chlorophyll content of C. alismatifolia than compound fertilizer under the same amount and composition of fertilizer, and the best effect on the growth of C. alismatifolia was achieved on the N-K controlled-release fertilizer. Meanwhile, the application of controlled release fertilizer was more beneficial to the flowering of C. alismatifolia. The flowering rate of P-K controlled-release fertilizer was the highest, which can improve the ornamental value of C. alismatifolia. Consequently controlled release fertilizer was more conducive to the growth of C. alismatifolia.
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