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作者姓名:冯欣  林玲  陈南方  盛爱武  刘晓洲
摘    要:红火炬郁金(Curcuma hybrida ‘Red Torch’)是姜科姜黄属植物,既可作园林绿地用花也可作鲜切花. 目前对红火炬郁金采后研究极少,为探索其适宜的采收处理方法,本研究依据红火炬郁金盛花期时花葶的生长情况,将其划分为5个发育时期进行采收,瓶插于去离子水内进行保鲜研究,并将同一发育时期的红火炬郁金分别离水0、2、4、6 h后瓶插复水,观察其瓶插表现. 结果表明,红火炬郁金切花的瓶插表现与其采收时的花葶发育程度密切相关,处于发育中期的花葶采收后瓶插表现最佳;采后直接复水的红火炬郁金切花瓶插表现最好,寿命达到26 d;当离水时间超过4 h时,瓶插寿命显著缩短(P<0.05). 因此,红火炬郁金应在花亭发育中期采收,且采后尽快复水,可达较理想保鲜效果和较高品质.

Effect of harvest period and water deficit time on preservation of Curcuma hybrida ‘Red Torch’ cut flower
Abstract:Curcuma hybrida ‘Red Torch’ belonged to Zingiberaceae, which can be used as a garden green flower and fresh cut flower. At present, there are few studies on the postharvest growth of ‘Red Torch’. To explore the appropriate harvest treatment methods, in this study, according to the growth of scape during the full flowering stage of ‘Red Torch’, it was divided into five periods for harvesting, and inserted into the deionized water; The same growth period of ‘Red Torch’ was separated from water 0, 2, 4, 6 h and then resealed in bottle to observe its performance. The result shows that, the cut flower performance was closely related to the development of scape at the time of collection, and the vase performance of cut flower was optimal at the middle stage of development after collection; the cut flower ‘Red Torch’, rehydrating immediately after harvesting in field, performance in bottle work best, even it's bottle life lasted for 26 d. ‘Red Torch’ cut flower's life will be reduced significantly with water deficit over 4 h (P<0.05). Therefore, ‘Red Torch’ should be harvested in the middle stage of scape development, and rehydrate as soon as possible after harvesting, which can achieve better preservation effect and higher quality.
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