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A Dynamic Knowledge Model for Nitrogen Fertilization in Wheat Management
Authors:ZHU Yan  CAO Wei-xing  DAI Ting-Bo  SUN Chuan-Fan
Abstract:By analyzing and extracting the research progress on nitrogen fertilization in wheat, a dynamic knowledge model for management decision-making on total nitrogen rate, ratios of organic to inorganic and of basal to dressing nitrogen under different environments and cultivars in wheat was developed with principle of nutrient balance and by integrating the quantitative effects of grain yield and quality targets, soil characters, variety traits and water management levels. Case studies on the nitrogen fertilization model with the data sets of different eco-sites, cultivars, soil fertility levels, grain yield and quality targets and water management levels indicate a good performance of the model system in decision-making and wide applicability.
Keywords:Wheat  Nutrient balance  Nitrogen fertilization management  Knowledge model  Digital decision-making
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