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作者姓名:王林云  张智  王炜勇
摘    要:通过盆栽试验对收集保存的38个观叶秋海棠种类的15个观赏性和适应性指标进行观测统计,构建观叶秋海棠品质性状综合评价体系,为筛选和利用适宜产业化生产的种类提供依据。应用层次分析法对各评价因子的权重进行定量评价,其中株型、叶面斑纹颜色、生长势、叶面斑纹大小的权重值分别为0.2210,0.1368,0.1041,0.0880,所占比重较大。对38个观叶秋海棠种类进行K-Means聚类分析,将其划分为优、良、一般3个等级,筛选出17个株形丰满紧凑、叶色鲜艳、生长势强的优等级种类,综合性状符合选择目标。结果表明应用层次分析法和K-Means聚类法建立的评价体系,可以有效地对观叶秋海棠品种进行评价和分级,为进一步合理开发利用观叶秋海棠种质资源提供了一种相对科学严谨的方法。

关 键 词:生物质炭  生物质炭  芦蒿  产量  有机肥  

Comprehensive Appraisal of the Quality of Ornamental Foliage Begonia
Abstract:Pot-culture experiments were conducted to observe 15 indexes of 38 ornamental foliage begonias species and cultivars. The aim of the present study was to establish a comprehensive system for appraising the quality of ornamental foliage begonias, and to offer a theoretical support for selection and application. The weight of 15 factors was quantitatively evaluated by analytic hierarchy process. The results showed that plant shape, variegation color of leaf upper side, glowth vigor and size of leaf variegation represent a significant share, and weight was 0.2210, 0.1368, 0.1041 and 0.0880. By K-Means cluster method, 38 species and cultivars were then clustered into 3 grades: excellent, good, and general,and eventually 17 species and cultivars with excellent comprehensive characters (good shape, bright foliage color and strong glowth vigor) were picked out. The results show that the combination of analytic hierarchy process and cluster method can be used to appraise and classify ornamental foliage begonias. This study will provide a scientific and precise method for reasonable exploitation and application of ornamental foliage begonias germplasm resource.
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