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作者姓名:郭美玲  郭泰  王志新  郑伟  李灿东  赵海红  张振宇  刘忠堂
基金项目:国家重点研发计划“主要经济作物分子设计育种”(2016YFD0101900);国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项“大豆产业技术体系佳木斯综 合试验站建设”(CARS-04-CES05)。
摘    要:为了深入了解油用大豆品种合农75品种特性,分析了该品种亲本系谱与品种特性,明确了品种血缘关系与遗传基础及品种特性,为品种转化应用提供了理论依据;为了加快品种转化应用,分析了品种特点及生产应用情况,明确了品种优势和应用潜力,结果充分说明了该品种既高油高产又抗多种病害、广适应性。目前,该品种在大豆生产、种子营销、油脂加工、育种及绿色食品生产等领域已广泛应用,创造了较大的社会经济与生态效益,既推动了大豆生产发展又带动了相关产业发展。本文分析结果对大豆高油育种和生产具有指导意义。

关 键 词:甲氰菊酯  甲氰菊酯  降解菌  基础盐培养基  正交试验  

Soybean Variety‘Henong75’for Oil: Parental Pedigree and Analysis and Application of Variety Characteristics
Abstract:In order to know the characteristic of soybean variety HeNong75, we analyzed the variety parental pedigree and characteristic and got the blood relationship and genetic basis, which provide theoretical foundation for conversion application. In order to accelerate the transformation and application, we analyzed the variety characteristic and production application and cleared the advantage and application potential. The results showed that the variety was high oil content, high yield, resistance to multiple diseases and wide adaptability. At present, this variety was applied to production and seed marketing, oil processing, breeding and green food production and so on. This variety had created more socioeconomic and zoology benefit and promoted the development of soybean and related industry production. So the results of this article was instructive and meaningful to high oil soybean variety breeding and production.
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