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引用本文:李敏,刘枫,郭熙盛,武际,黄义德. 稳定氮肥用量和施用方式对油菜产量和氮肥效率的影响[J]. 中国农学通报, 2016, 32(35): 122-126. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16030217
作者姓名:李敏  刘枫  郭熙盛  武际  黄义德
摘    要:为了明确稳定氮肥在油菜生产上科学施用问题,2014-2015年于安徽省通过田间小区试验,研究了稳定氮肥用量及施用方式对油菜产量、氮素累积量、氮肥利用效率、经济效益及土壤养分含量的影响。结果表明,与不施氮肥相比,100%稳定氮肥一次施用、100%稳定氮肥分次施用、85%稳定氮肥一次施用和70%稳定氮肥一次施用分别增产225.6%、232.5%、206.8%和181.2%,植株地上部氮素总累积量分别增加309.2%、327.6%、254.0%和202.1%,经济效益分别增加287.9%、273.9%、266.1%和234.0%。与农民习惯施肥相比,100%稳定氮肥一次施用和分次施用分别增产8.2%和10.5%,植株地上部氮素总累积量分别增加15.2%和20.3%,经济效益分别增加16.8%和12.6%。等氮施用稳定氮肥较农民习惯施肥显著促进油菜对氮素的吸收累积。氮肥表观利用率施用稳定氮肥显著高于农民习惯施氮,等氮显著高于减氮处理,以100%稳定氮肥分次施用最高。农学效率和偏生产力施用稳定氮肥高于农民习惯施肥。稳定氮肥施氮量在180 kg/hm2且基肥与薹肥6:4分次施用时,能较好地协调水稻高产与稳定氮肥合理利用的统一。

关 键 词:村民感知  村民感知  旅游扶贫  效应分析  龙湾村  

Effects of Stabilized Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate and Application Methods on Yield and Nitrogen Efficiency of Rape
Abstract:In order to verify the scientific application of stabilized nitrogen fertilizer in rape, a field experiment was carried out in Anhui Province during 2014 and 2015 to investigate the effects of stabilized N fertilizer (SN) rates and its application methods on rice yield, nitrogen accumulation, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of rape, economic efficiency and soil nutrients. Compared to non-stabilized nitrogen fertilizer, the yield of SN treatments (as 100% N one application, 100% N split application, 85% N one application and 70% N one application) increased 225.6%, 232.5%, 206.8% and 181.2% respectively. Total N accumulated by above ground parts increased 309.2%, 327.6%, 254.0% and 202.1%, and economic benefits increased 287.9%, 273.9%, 266.1% and 234.0% respectively. Compared to local farmer fertilizer practice, the yield of SN treatments (as 100% one application and 100% split application) increased 8.2% and 10.5% respectively. Total N absorbed by above ground parts increased 15.2% and 20.4%, and economic benefits increased 16.8% and 12.6% respectively. At the same N rate, SN with 100% promoted significantly N accumulation than farmer fertilizer practice. The nitrogen apparent efficiency of SN was significantly higher than farmer fertilizer practice, 100% SN had even more significant difference than 85% and 70% SN, and 100% SN with the split application was the highest. The agronomic efficiency and partial productivity of SN was higher than farmer fertilizer practice. Based on rape yield and NUE, the optimum SN application rate was 180 N kg/hm2 with the ratio of basal fertilization to spring fertilization of 6:4.
Keywords:stabilized nitrogen fertilizer   rape   yield   application methods   nitrogen efficiency
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