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引用本文:尚媛媛,关保华,郑建伟,康玉辉. 蓝藻堆积对水环境和沉水植物生长的影响[J]. 中国农学通报, 2015, 31(5): 195-198. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2014-2644
作者姓名:尚媛媛  关保华  郑建伟  康玉辉
作者单位:贵州省气象服务中心,中科院南京地理与湖泊研究所湖泊与环境国家重点实验室,南京信息工程大学 南京市浦口区盘城街道144号,湖北省水利水电科学研究院
摘    要:湖泊富营养化是世界面临的重大环境问题,针对湖泊富营养化引起的蓝藻(Cyanobacteria)爆发等问题的研究具有重要实践意义,湖泊富营养化常导致蓝藻生物量的增加,水质恶化。本实验于2012年8月12日至9月3日研究添加蓝藻的围隔和对照植被区的水体中总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、铵氮(NH4 -N)、叶绿素a浓度以及植物生长的区别,并采用自然状态下的水体,研究了蓝藻堆积对水环境和沉水植物生长的影响。研究表明:添加蓝藻的围隔中TN、TP以及叶绿素a含量均显著高于对照区域;蓝藻堆积的围隔中,沉水植物群落总生物量下降,而对照区沉水植物生物量则大量增加;金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum L)、马来眼子菜(Potamogeton wrightii Morong)、伊乐藻和微齿眼子菜(Potamogeton maackianus A. Bennett)等沉水植物的生物量下降,但狐尾藻(Myriophyllum verticillatum)的生物量略有增加。由此得出,蓝藻堆积导致水环境营养盐含量增加,藻类密度增加,沉水植物群落受到抑制,大部分沉水植物的生长受到抑制,但对狐尾藻的影响不大。

关 键 词:GIS  GIS  城市土地  土地集约利用评价  改进的层次分析法  黄三角城市群  

Cyanobacteria accumulation effect on the water environment and submerged plant growth
Abstract:Study on cyanobacteria outbreak caused by lack eutrophication, which is a global environment problem, has practical significance. Eutrophication process plays a key role in cyanobacteria outbreak, and caused water quality deterioration. In experimental under natural water environment from 12th,Aug, 2012 to 3rd,Sep,2012, through analysis on the differences of TN, TP and Chl a between enclosures with cyanobacteria and open water with no cyanobacteria, we studied the effects of Cyanobacteria accumulation on water environment and growth of submerged macrophytes. Results showed that: in enclosure with accumulation of cyanobacteria, the TN, TP and Chl a were higher than in open water contrast. Cyanobacteria accumulation resulted declining in biomass of the whole submerged community, and compares to great increase in open water contrast. Then comes to the conclusion: cyanobacteria accumulation caused nutrients increase in water environment, and then leaded to the density increase of alage and decrease of most submerged macrophytes except Myriophyllum verticillatum.
Keywords:Enclosures   Cyanobacteria accumulation  Submerged plants   Water environment   Biomass
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