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引用本文:屈会娟,刘莉莎,沈学善,黄 涛,王 平,周全卢. 川东北旱地马铃薯多熟高效种植新模式效益分析[J]. 中国农学通报, 2018, 34(30): 46-51. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb17080030
作者姓名:屈会娟  刘莉莎  沈学善  黄 涛  王 平  周全卢
基金项目:国家现代农业产业技术体系四川薯类创新团队项目(川农业函[2014]91 号);“十三五”四川省农作物及畜禽育种攻关项目“突破性粮油作 物新品种提质增效关键栽培技术研究与示范”(2016NYZ0051);公益性行业(农业)科研专项“旱地两熟区耕地培肥与合理农作制”(201503121)、“西南 丘陵旱地粮油作物节水节肥节药综合技术集成与示范”(201503127)。
摘    要:为丰富川东北旱地马铃薯多熟高效种植模式及提高旱地种植效益,以传统“小麦/玉米/甘薯”模式为对照,在川东北丘陵区旱地设置“春马铃薯/玉米/甘薯”和“小麦+冬马铃薯/玉米/甘薯”2种新模式,观测其周年原粮产量和经济效益。结果表明,在2年平均值上,“春马铃薯/玉米/甘薯”模式的原粮产量与对照差异不显著,但其总产值和纯收益均显著高于对照,分别较对照高52.16%和53.25%,且其劳动净产率比对照高14.85%;而“小麦+冬马铃薯/玉米/甘薯”模式的原粮产量和总产值均显著高于对照,但其纯收益和劳动净产率分别较对照低20.32%和17.07%。2个新模式的物质费用收益率和成本收益率均低于对照。综合比较,“春马铃薯/玉米/甘薯”模式可作为传统“小麦/玉米/甘薯”模式的替代方案进行推广应用。

关 键 词:马铃薯  多熟高效  种植模式  效益

Multi-cropping and High Efficient Planting Patterns of Potato in Northeastern Dryland of Sichuan: Benefit Analysis
Abstract:The paper aims to enrich the multi-cropping and high efficient planting patterns and improve planting efficiency of potato in northeastern dryland of Sichuan, two new planting patterns “spring potato/maize/sweet potato” and “wheat+winter potato/maize/sweet potato” with traditional planting pattern “wheat/maize/sweet potato” as control were conducted to observe the annual unprocessed food grain yield and economic benefits. The results indicated that: there was no significant difference in unprocessed food grain yield between “spring potato/maize/sweet potato” and control, while the total output value and net benefits were significantly higher than control, by 52.16% and 53.25%, respectively. Moreover, the net labor productivity of “spring potato/maize/sweet potato” was 14.85% higher than control. The unprocessed food grain yield and total output value of “wheat+winter potato/maize/sweet potato” were significant higher than that of control, while the net benefits and net labor productivity were 20.32% and 17.07% lower than control. The rate of return of material cost and cost benefit ratio of both new planting patterns were lower than control. Comprehensive comparison, “spring potato/maize/sweet potato” could be used as the alternative pattern for popularization and application.
Keywords:potato   multi-cropping and high efficiency   planting pattern   benefit
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