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引用本文:李洪,王瑞军,王彧超,杨志斌,李联梅. 不同玉米品种在晋北地区的适应性评价[J]. 中国农学通报, 2018, 34(20): 15-20. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb18030018
作者姓名:李洪  王瑞军  王彧超  杨志斌  李联梅
基金项目:山西省农业科技成果转化和示范推广项目“玉米套种蔬菜简约化栽培技术示范”(2018CGZH-14);山西省农业科学院农业科技创新研究课 题“高寒区鲜食玉米复播秋白菜高效简化栽培技术研究”(YCX2018423)。
摘    要:为了客观准确地评价11 个不同玉米品种在晋北地区的适应性,本试验比较了参试品种的生育期、株高、穗长等生物学性状,并运用主成分分析方法对主要农艺性状进行了分析。结果显示:参试材料的综合性状在晋北区的适应性均较好,生育期为127~130 天;除秃尖长与籽粒产量呈负相关外,穗长、行粒数、穗行数、千粒重、出籽率和产量间呈正相关,其中穗长、行粒数与籽粒产量的正相关系数分别为0.669、0.648,均达到显著水平(P<0.05);前4 个主成分累积贡献率达87.062%,说明基本代表了原始因子的大部分遗传信息;前4 个主成分分别是植株高度构成因子、果穗构成因子、籽粒数量构成因子和生育期因子;根据各个品种的综合得分,‘诚信1611’的综合性状表现突出,尤其在植株高度构成因子、果穗构成因子中得分最高,为供试材料中最适宜在晋北地区种植的品种。

关 键 词:苎麻副产物  苎麻副产物  食用菌  套作  

Adaptability Evaluation of Maize Varieties in Northern Shanxi
Abstract:To accurately evaluate the adaptability of 11 maize varieties in northern Shanxi, major agronomic traits such as growth period, plant height and spike length are compared. And the principal component analysis (PCA) is conducted on the biological traits. The results showed that the adaptability of the test materials were all better in the region, the growth period was 127-130 days. Except the negative correlation between the baldness length and yield, there were all positive correlations between the spike length, grain number per line, ear row number, 1000-grain weight, the rate of seed and yield. The correlation coefficient between the spike length, grain number per line and the grain yield was 0.669 and 0.648, respectively, reached significant level (P <0.05). The cumulative contribution rate of the first four factors was 87.062%, representing most of the genetic information of the original factors. The first four factors were the composition factor of plant height, the composition factor of ear, composition factor of grain number and growth factor. According to the comprehensive scores of all varieties, the score of“Integrity 1611”is the highest, especially in the composition factor of plant height and the composition factor of ear, indicating that it is the most suitable variety in northern Shanxi.
Keywords:maize   adaptability   agronomic traits   correlation analysis   principle component analysis
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