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基金项目:新疆维吾尔自治区喀什地区气象局2018 年度科研课题项目“红枣裂果的气象指标与防治措施”(KSZL201808)。
摘    要:基于喀什国家基准气候站的日照、相对湿度、风速资料和佰什克热木乡自动气象站的温度、降水等气象资料,分析喀什2015年气象条件、气象因子对栽植红枣的影响及应对措施,研究喀什地区栽植红枣气候适宜性区划指标、红枣栽植的气候条件,旨在对红枣气候品质等级进行评估并确定影响品质的主要气候条件及关键因素,以期为喀什地区红枣种植栽培技术、生产管理条件提供科学依据。结果表明,2015年喀什气象条件中,日照条件最有利于红枣生长发育和果实的着色;2015年高温和降水对红枣生长发育期造成影响,管理上采用对应的农业措施保证了其质量和产量。通过对红枣气候适宜性区划指标、当年红枣生长气候条件、红枣企业生产管理条件评分值,认为认证区域内红枣气候品质等级为优。

关 键 词:喀什  红枣种植  气象条件分析  气候品质认证
收稿时间:2017/7/30 0:00:00
修稿时间:2018/10/12 0:00:00

Jujube in Kashgar: Planting Meteorological Condition Analysis and Climate Quality Certification
Abstract:Based on sunshine duration, relative humidity, wind speed data from the national reference stations of Kashgar and the air temperature, precipitation from automatic meteorological station in Baishikeremu, we analyzed the effects of meteorological conditions and meteorological factors in Kashgar in 2015 on jujube planting and discussed the corresponding measures, studied the climatic suitability zoning indices and climatic conditions for jujube planting in Kashgar, in order to evaluate the climatic quality levels of jujube, determine the main climatic factors affecting jujube quality, and provide a basis for jujube planting techniques and production management. The results showed that: among the meteorological factors in Kashgar in 2015, sunshine was the most conducive to the growth and development of jujube and fruit coloring; there were influences of high temperature and precipitation on the growth and development period of jujube in 2015, and corresponding agricultural measures should be adopted to ensure jujube quality and yield. According to the grade of climatic suitability zoning index of jujube, the climatic conditions of jujube growth of the year and the production management of jujube enterprises, the climate quality grade of jujube in the certified region is excellent.
Keywords:Kashi  Red Jujube Production  Meteorological Conditions Analysis  Climate Quality Certification
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