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引用本文:章明奎,姚玉才,陈小梅,邱志腾,毛霞丽,杨良觎. 贵州省土壤的系统分类及其与发生分类的参比研究[J]. 中国农学通报, 2019, 35(26): 94-106. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb18030092
作者姓名:章明奎  姚玉才  陈小梅  邱志腾  毛霞丽  杨良觎
作者单位:浙江大学 环境与资源学院
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目“水耕人为土诊断层/诊断特性的空间分布规律与田间识别模式研究”(41571207);国家科技基础性工作专项 项目“我国土系调查与《中国土系志(中西部卷)》编制”(2014FY110200)。
摘    要:为推进贵州省土壤的定量化分类研究与应用,利用近期在贵州省调查的185个代表性土壤剖面结果,结合贵州省以往的土壤调查资料,对贵州全域土壤进行了较为全面的成土特点分析、土壤诊断层和诊断特性的鉴定与系统分类高级单元类别划分。结果表明,贵州省丘陵山地土壤的脱硅富铝化主要以中度至弱为主,土壤有机质积累和腐殖质特性明显,土壤中铁质特性和铝质特性出现较为频繁,土壤粘化、黄化及碳酸盐岩岩性特性较为普遍;人为活动对该省土壤演变影响明显。该省土壤温度状况主要属热性和温性,土壤水分状况有湿润、常湿润、滞水、人为滞水和潮湿等类别。按照中国土壤系统分类检索(第3版),共鉴定出有机土、人为土、潜育土、均腐土、富铁土、淋溶土、雏形土和新成土等8个土纲,包括16个亚纲、41个土类和85亚类。文章对该省主要土纲分布的成土环境进行了分析,对贵州省域的中国土壤系统分类单元与地理发生分类类型进行了参比,并提出了在潜育土中增设水耕简育滞水潜育土、水耕暗沃正常潜育土和水耕简育正常潜育土三个亚类的建议。

关 键 词:小麦  小麦  根际促生菌  干旱胁迫  促生作用  

Soils in Guizhou: Taxonomic Classification and Their Reference with Geographico-genetic Classification
Abstract:To promote the research and application of quantitative classification of soils in Guizhou, based on analysis data of 185 representative soil profiles obtained from soil investigation in Guizhou from 2015 to 2017, combined with previous soil survey data in Guizhou, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of soil formation characteristics, identification of soil diagnostic horizons and diagnostic characteristics and the category division of system classification advanced unit. The results showed that: desilication and allitization of soils in hilly and mountain areas of Guizhou were mainly moderate to weak, and the accumulation of soil organic matter and soil humic property were obvious; the ferric property and alic property were more frequent in the soils; and the soil claying, soil yellowing, and lithologic characters of carbonate rocks were more common; human activities had an obvious influence on the soil evolution. The main soil temperature regimes in Guizhou were thermic and mesic. There were 5 kinds of soil moisture regimes in Guizhou, incluing udic, perudic, stagnic, anthrostagnic, aquic. According to the keys to Chinese Soil Taxonomy (3rd edition), 8 soil orders, including Histosols, Anthrosols, Gleysols, Isohumosols, Ferrosols, Argosols, Cambosols, and Primosols were identified. There were 16 soil suborders, 41 soil groups, and 86 soil subgroups in Guizhou. We analyzed soil forming environment of main soil orders of Guizhou, compared the soil classification units in Guizhou between Chinesesoil taxonomy and geographico- genetic classification of China, and put forward a suggestion for adding 3 subgroups of anthrostagnic hapli-stagnic Gleyosols, anthrostagnic molli-orthic Gleyosols, and anthrostagnic hapli-orthic Gleyosols in Gleyosols order of the Chinese soil taxonomy.
Keywords:taxonomic classification   genetic classification   diagnostic horizon   diagnostic characteristics   reference   Guizhou
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