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引用本文:杨志刚,牛晓俊,张伟华,张东东,曾 林. 西藏一江两河地区植被变化及其与气候因子的相关性分析[J]. 中国农学通报, 2018, 34(7): 141-146. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb17090138
作者姓名:杨志刚  牛晓俊  张伟华  张东东  曾 林
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“基于多源卫星数据藏北高原地表温度与湿地变化特征研究”(41665002);国家自然科学基金项目“气候变化背景 下西藏阿里地区草地退化机理研究”(41165002);西藏自治区重点科技计划“藏北典型生态区生态环境遥感监测评估”(XZ201703-GA-01);中国气象 局成都高原气象研究所开放基金项目“西藏自治区主要水库分布及遥感动态监测”(LPM2016002)。
摘    要:[目的][方法]本文以西藏自治区“一江两河”区域为研究区,利用2000-2016年的MODIS标准植被指数产品(NDVI)及研究区域内9个有人气象站点的监测的平均气温、降水量数据为数据源,采用Slope趋势分析方法和相关性分析方法,分析了一江两河地区的植被变化特征及其主要气候驱动因素,为该区域的生态保护、修复与造林种草工程提供科学的数据支撑。[结果]结果表明:(1)2000年以来一江两河地区植被变化(NDVI)整体呈波动中减小的变化趋势,其中沿一江两河河谷的植被有增加的趋势;(2)一江两河区域气候趋势表现为暖干化;(3)不同的时间尺度,植被变化与平均气温和降水量的相关性差异显著,在年尺度上:年最大NDVI与年总降水量呈显著的正相关关系,与年平均气温呈现出显著的负相关关系;在月尺度上:月最大NDVI与月平均温度和月总降水量都呈现出显著的正相关关系,与降水量的相关系数要明显大于气温。[结论]因此,降水量是西藏一江两河区域植被生长(NDVI变化)的主要影响因素。

关 键 词:湖北烟区  湖北烟区  精细化  移栽期  区划  

Vegetation Change and Its Correlation with Climatic Factors in Yarlung Zangbo River, Nyangqu River and Lhasa River Region of Tibet
Abstract:Based on the MODIS standard vegetation index products (NDVI ) and the average temperature and precipitation data of 9 meteorological sites in the study area from 2000 to 2016, the authors adopted the methods of Slope trend analysis and correlation analysis by using the Yarlung Zangbo River, Nyangqu River and Lhasa River region (the YNL River region) of Tibet as a case, to analyze the characteristics of vegetation change and its main climatic driving factors, which could provide scientific data support for ecological protection, restoration and afforestation in this area. The results showed that: (1) since 2000, theNDVI in the YNL River region of Tibet decreased with fluctuation, among which the vegetation along the river valley increased; (2) the trend of climate change in the study area was becoming warmer and drier; (3) at different time scales, the correlation of vegetation variation with average temperature and precipitation was significant, the annual maximumNDVI was positively correlated with annual total precipitation, and negatively correlated with annual mean temperature; on the monthly scale: the maximum monthly NDVI showed a significant positive correlation with the monthly average temperature and the total monthly precipitation, and the correlation coefficient with precipitation was obviously higher than that with the temperature. Therefore, precipitation is the main factor affecting vegetation changes in the YNL River region of Tibet.
Keywords:the Yarlung Zangbo River, Nyangqu River and Lhasa River region (the YNL River region)   MODIS-NDVI   vegetation change   climatic factors   correlation
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