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作者姓名:吴云  杨剑虹  魏朝富
摘    要:本文主要运用数理统计的方法对重庆茶园土壤的酸化特性和肥力特征作了一系列的相关分析,结果表明茶园土壤在不同pH值区段内的化学性质随pH值的变化差异明显,特别是当土壤pH值处于4.55.0区段时,对于酸化过程的抑制能力明显减弱,其盐基离子的脱除速度也显著增加,交换性阳离子中致酸离子比例增大,而当土壤pH值处于5.0以上区段时,对于酸化过程的抑制能力则明显增强,盐基脱除速度也迅速下降,交换性阳离子中致酸离子比例下降。随着土壤有机质含量的增加,其致酸离子的含量也在增加,这也就促进了土壤盐基的迅速脱除,导致土壤进一步酸化。另外,茶园土壤中的肥力特征在各pH区段也表现出较为明显的差异.在整个茶园土壤中,磷、钾、锌等植物生长所必需的元素均有不同程度的缺失,而以磷、钾的缺失尤其严重,这充分说明土壤酸化程度加剧对茶树生长十分不利。

关 键 词:酸化特性  相关分析  肥力特征

Chongqing Tea Garden Soil Acidification and Fertility Characters
Abstract:Tea garden soil acidification and fertility characters are analysed by application of mathematic al statistics. According to soil science theory the reasoning and argumentation are shown about analytic outcome in dissertation.The conclusion reveals chemical properties of various pH field have notable difference, Specially when soil pH fall in 4.5-5.0 field the restraining capacity to process of acidification weaken in evidence and velocity of loss of electropositive particle will increase too.When soil pH fall beyond 5.0 field the restraining capacity to process of acidification enhance in evidence.Velocity of loss of electropositive particle will devrease rapidly.Organic acid in withered matter of tea tree can active Al particle,so with increasing of soil organic compound,the acid particle will increase too.The process will further loss of electropositive particle.Furthermore,fertility quality is different in various pH field.In generally,elements P、Kand Zn show different lack in whole tea garden soil.Especially elements P and K is worse.
Keywords:Acidification characters  Fertility characters  Relativity analysis
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