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作者姓名:史世斌  袁家瑞
摘    要:小流域经济的发展取决于土地利用方向及经济结构的合理程度。干旱少雨、山高坡陡的山区,粮食生产受到很大限制,要想使农民尽快富裕起来,就必须针对山区牧草资源丰富的优势,发展商品性畜牧业。然而多年来在小流域综合治理规划中,基本农田建设目标比较明确,但在草地开发建设及管理利用方面,缺乏定量分析和有效、周密的系统设计,致使不少地方超载、过牧,生态环境恶化,水土流失严重。本文依据寒山流域天然草地、林间草地牧草的生长规律,确定了该流域草地生物量动态方程,并在此基础上确立以草定畜,实行轮封轮牧的合理经营模式,将草地经营管理提高到一个新的高度,合理地解决了在保土保水条件下畜牧发展与饲草利用的匹配关系。

关 键 词:草地  生物量  动态方程  开发

Dynamic Equation of Grassland Biomass and Study on the Development and Utilization of Hanshan Basin
Abstract:Grain production suffers great restriction in an arid mountain area with little rainfall, high latitude and steep slope. In order to make farmers rich as soon as possible,commodity economy on animal husbandry must be developed in light of the advantage of the abundant forage grass resources in the mountain area. However, as a result of lacking of quantitative analysis and effective, thorough,systematic design in small watersheds management programm, overload and over grazing took place in many places, causing ecological environment deteriorated and severe soil loss. In this paper, according to the growth pattern of forage grass in both natural grassland grasslands in the forest in the Hanshan basin,a dynamic equation on grassland biomass of the basin has been established. Based on this equation,a rational management model by determining the numbers of livestocks according to the quantities of forage grass and alternation of grazing and closing off is adopted, which has promoted the management work into a new stage equitablely settled the relationship between husbandry development and forage grass utilization on the premise of soil and water conservation.
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