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摘    要:<正>当从《陕西日报》上见到江泽民总书记在姜春云副总理《陕北地区治理水土流失,建设生态农业的调查报告》上的批示后.我所的科技人员心情待别激动.40多年来,我所科技人员坚持以黄土高原为重点开展水土保待科学研究,100余项科研成果获得了省、部级以上的奖励 近10余年来承担黄土高原综合治理国家科技攻关项目科研成果,获国家科技进步一等奖 有些科研成果已在治理工作中得到推广和应用.从科技实践中我们深切地体会到,江泽民总书记的批示完全符合实际、完全正确.我们通过科技攻关建立的安塞纸坊沟等小流域水土保持型生态农业实体示范模型,显示了黄土高原丘陵沟壑区严重退化的生态环境用20年的时间可以恢复,并走上良性循环的轨道.证明了只要依靠科学技术,坚持实施以生态效益为核心,社会和经济效益并举的综合治理方针和可持续发展战略,再造一个山川秀美的黄土高原的愿望一定能实现.

关 键 词:黄土高原  水土流失治理  生态农业

Rebuilding a Beautiful Loess Plateau
Abstract:Deep loamy loess in the Loess Plateau is porous, with high penetrating and depositing ability of precipitation. The plant can grow on the parent rock after it was exposed for one year, the loess has high productivity and is & natural base for green food production. Transformation of low-yield and middle-yield field, exploitation and utilization of rainfall resources and inferior land in the areas have broad prospect. To harness the Loess Plateau comprehensively and construct ecological agriculture need a good plan. Soil loss comprehensive management should be conducted with grain production, and the economy construction should contain ecology construction. The experiment of soil and water conservation shows that the seriously degenerate ecological environment in gullied and rolling loess region of the Loess Plateau can recover in 20 years and also can get into benign cycle.
Keywords:the Loess Plateau  soil and water conservation ecological agriculture sustained development
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