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摘    要:<正>黄河与黄土高原的治理开发是一个事关全局的重大问题,举国上下都在关注、思考.围绕这个问题,我对山西黄河流域的61个县,特别是沿黄河(北起偏关、南至垣曲)的19个县作了较详细的调查研究.所到之处,采取边看边议、走访座谈、回忆对比、查阅资料、分析论证等方式,同当地干部、群众、科技人员一道,探讨不同时期黄土高原治理的成败得失,总结党的十一届三中全会以来治山治水的新鲜经验,寻求其中的客观规律和基本对策,逐步掌握战胜黄河水害和控制水土流失的主动权.经过调查研究和工作实践,对这一问题形成了一些基本认识,集中一点就是:黄土高原的治理开发,既是治理黄河水害的根本大计,也是振兴黄河流域的重大战略.这是一项巨大的生态系统工程,要在遍布黄土高原的千山万壑展开全方位大面积治理开发,必须加强领导,加大投入,实施正确的指导思想和战略方针.

关 键 词:黄河  黄土高原  治理开发  治水  治旱  治山  治穷

Strategic Reflection on Permanent Control of the Yellow River
Abstract:Harnessing and exploitation of the Loess Plateau are both essential plan to bring the Yellow River flood under control and important strategy to vigorously develop economy in the Yellow River watershed. To remove the hidden peril along one thousand kilometer embankment in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, that is "the more dangerous it becomes, the higher it is lifted, and in return the higher it is lifted, the more dangerous it becomes", we should pull all our strength to control serious soil loss resulted from over reclamation in middle Yellow River area, we should also set up the strategic thought that the Yellow River and the Loess Plateau are a whole unit, the essential measure for controlling flood, drought and poverty is management of mountains. In the comprehensive management of the Loess Plateau, construction of farmland should be considered first, meanwhile we also pay more attention to the construction of forest-grass vegetation, and pull all our strength to control soil loss in muddy and coarse area from Hekou to Longmen reaches.
Keywords:the Loess Plateau soil and water conservation regional economy comprehensive management
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