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引用本文:张子旋,王艳群,甄怡铭,李皓,宋利玲,甄文超,彭正萍. 强筋和中筋小麦氮肥适宜基追比例研究[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2022, 28(7): 1249-1259. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2021584
作者姓名:张子旋  王艳群  甄怡铭  李皓  宋利玲  甄文超  彭正萍
作者单位:1.河北农业大学资源与环境科学学院/河北省农田生态环境重点实验室,河北保定 071001
摘    要:  【目的】  研究不同氮肥基追比例对小麦籽粒蛋白组分、氮素利用效率和产量的影响,为黑龙港流域小麦高效施用氮肥提供理论依据。  【方法】  以济麦22和藁优2018为供试品种进行了2年小麦田间试验。以不施氮肥(N0)为对照,在等氮肥用量条件下设氮肥基追比3∶7 (N3:7)、4∶6 (N4:6)、5∶5 (N5:5)和6∶4 (N6:4) 4个处理,氮肥追施在拔节期随灌溉一起进行。分析小麦生长关键时期的植株干物质和氮素积累量、籽粒总蛋白质含量及蛋白组分含量、氮肥效率和籽粒产量。  【结果】  随氮肥基追比例的提升,两小麦品种的植株干物质和氮素积累量均呈先增后减的趋势。随生育期的推进,两小麦品种的植株干物质积累速率呈先升后降的趋势,而氮素积累速率呈“升―降―升”的趋势。拔节至挑旗期是小麦干物质和氮素积累的主要阶段,至成熟期藁优2018和济麦22分别以N4:6和N5:5处理的干物质和氮素积累量最高。N4:6处理的藁优2018具有最高的籽粒清蛋白、球蛋白、谷蛋白含量,籽粒总蛋白质含量较其他处理显著增加3.66%~10.76%,籽粒产量是其他处理的1.07~1.13倍,氮肥偏生产力、氮肥回收率和氮肥农学效率均显著提升。N5:5处理的济麦22籽粒清蛋白、球蛋白、醇溶蛋白、谷蛋白和总蛋白质含量分别较其他处理高2.55%~4.78%、4.11%~16.92%、3.42%~10.39%、1.35%~10.32%和2.95%~10.06%,籽粒产量是其他氮肥处理的1.03~1.08倍,氮肥回收率显著增加。在挑旗—成熟期,藁优2018的氮素积累速率与济麦22相比较高,籽粒蛋白组分含量较济麦22高出1.17%~5.72%;而济麦22各氮肥处理的籽粒产量比藁优2018增加5.4%~15.21%。  【结论】  满足小麦氮素积累特性的氮肥基追比有利于小麦的高产优质。中筋小麦 (济麦22) 品种在挑旗至成熟期氮素积累速率变小,氮肥基追比为5∶5较为适宜,而强筋小麦 (藁优2018) 品种氮素积累速率大,氮肥基追比提高到4∶6,可以促进小麦高产和增加蛋白含量。

关 键 词:强筋小麦   中筋小麦   氮肥基追比   氮素积累特征   蛋白组分   籽粒产量

Optimum basal and topdressing ratios of nitrogen fertilizer for strong and medium gluten wheat cultivars
ZHANG Zi-xuan,WANG Yan-qun,ZHEN Yi-ming,LI Hao,SONG Li-ling,ZHEN Wen-chao,PENG Zheng-ping. Optimum basal and topdressing ratios of nitrogen fertilizer for strong and medium gluten wheat cultivars[J]. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2022, 28(7): 1249-1259. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2021584
Authors:ZHANG Zi-xuan  WANG Yan-qun  ZHEN Yi-ming  LI Hao  SONG Li-ling  ZHEN Wen-chao  PENG Zheng-ping
Affiliation:1.College of Resources and Environmental Sciences/Key Laboratory of Farmland Eco-Environment of Hebei, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, Hebei 071001, China
Abstract:  【Objectives】  Studies on grain protein content, nitrogen (N) use efficiency, and wheat yield under different basal and topdressing ratios of N fertilizer have laid the theoretical basis for improved N-use by wheat in the Heilonggang basin, Hebei Province.  【Methods】  Two-year field experiment was conducted with two wheat cultivars (Jimai 22 and Gaoyou 2018). No nitrogen fertilizer (N0) was designated as the control. Under the same rate of N application, four N treatments with a basal topdressing ratio of 3∶7 (N3:7), 4∶6 (N4:6), 5∶5 (N5:5) and 6∶4 (N6:4) were set. Nitrogen topdressing was carried out with irrigation at the jointing stage. We analyzed the dry matter and N accumulation during the wheat main growing period, grain total protein content and various protein components, nitrogen efficiency and grain yield in the two wheat cultivars.   【Results】  Dry matter and N accumulated quantities in the two wheat cultivars increased at first and then decreased with increasing N basal topdressing ratio. As the growth period advanced, plant dry matter accumulation rate in the two wheat cultivars increased and then decreased. Similarly, the N accumulation rate showed an increase-decrease-increase trend. The stage from jointing to flagging was the main period for wheat dry matter and N accumulation. At maturity, the dry matter and N accumulation were higher in N4:6 and N5:5 than in other treatments in Gaoyou 2018 and Jimai 22. N4:6 in Gaoyou 2018 had higher grain albumin, globulin and glutenin contents than other treatments, increasing total grain protein by 3.66%–10.76% and grain yield was 1.07–1.13 times of other treatments. Further, it increased the N partial productivity, N recovery rate, and agronomic efficiency. N5:5 in Jimai 22 increased albumin by 2.55%–4.78%, globulin by 4.11%–16.92%, gliadin by 3.42%–10.39%, glutenin by 1.35%–10.32%, and total protein content by 2.95%–10.06%. The grain yield was 1.03–1.08 times of other N treatments, significantly increasing the N recovery rate. The N accumulation rate from flagging to maturation stage in Gaoyou 2018 was relatively higher than Jimai 22; grain protein components of Gaoyou 2018 were 1.17%–5.72% higher than Jimai 22. In contrast, the grain yield in Jimai 22 was 5.4%–15.21% higher than in Gaoyou 2018.  【Conclusions】  The basal to dressing ratio of nitrogen fertilizer that meets the N accumulation characteristics of wheat is conducive to high wheat yield and quality. The N accumulation rate of medium gluten wheat cultivar decreased from flagging to maturation stage, and the basal topdressing ratio of N fertilizer was 5∶5. In contrast, the N accumulation rate of strong gluten wheat cultivar was high from flagging to maturation stage. The basal topdressing ratio of N fertilizer is increased to 4∶6, which potentially enhances high yield and grain protein content in wheat.
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