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引用本文:张颖,宁良辰,孔令聪,张静,孙小敬,赵权. 顶复门原虫含苹果结构域蛋白的研究进展[J]. 吉林畜牧兽医, 2012, 0(8): 17-19
作者姓名:张颖  宁良辰  孔令聪  张静  孙小敬  赵权
作者单位:[1]吉林农业大学动物科技学院,吉林长春130118 [2]吉林大学人畜共患病研究所人畜共患病研究教育部重点实验室,吉林长春130062
摘    要:苹果结构域在弓形虫和艾美耳球虫中的研究较深入,其不但具有高度的保守性而且在虫体粘附和入侵宿主的过程中起着重要作用。为此,本文对苹果结构域的结构和功能,及其在弓形虫、艾美耳球虫、肉孢子虫中的研究进展做以综述,以期为开发新一代顶复门原虫的抗虫药物和重组疫苗奠定理论基础[1]。

关 键 词:顶复门原虫  苹果结构域  功能

Update on protein with apple domain of Apicomplexa
ZHANG Ying,NING Liang-chen,KONG Ling-cong,ZHANG Jing,SUN Xiao-jing,ZHAO Quan. Update on protein with apple domain of Apicomplexa[J]. Jilin Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, 2012, 0(8): 17-19
Authors:ZHANG Ying  NING Liang-chen  KONG Ling-cong  ZHANG Jing  SUN Xiao-jing  ZHAO Quan
Affiliation:1 .college of Animal Science and Technology of Jilin Agriculural University, JiLIn Changchun 130118; 2.Key Laboratory of Zoonosis; Institute ofZoonosis; Jilin University; Changchun 130062)
Abstract:More study of Apple domain from Toxoplasma gondii and Eimeria tenella ,that not only have high conservative but also do importable role for parasite attachment to and invasion of host cells.This article introduce the structure and function of Apple domain and update on Toxoplasma gondii,Eimeria tenella and Sarcocystis tenella.In order to lay the foundation develop new anti-apicomplexa drug and recombinant vaccine.
Keywords:Apicomplex  Apple domain  function
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