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引用本文:李新委,谢世友. 石漠化地区种植山核桃经济效益分析[J]. 安徽农学通报, 2014, 0(13): 57-60
作者姓名:李新委  谢世友
作者单位:西南大学地理科学学院,重庆,400715;西南大学地理科学学院,重庆 400715;西南大学三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室,重庆 400715
摘    要:为了分析石漠化地区栽植山核桃的经济效益,该文选取重庆市秀山县栽植的山核桃为研究对象。通过调查分析得出:14a生山核桃林每667m^2累计产值94620元、累计净现金流量为84902元、年均利润率6064.4元、投资收益为8.74、静态投资回收期为3.9a、动态投资回收期为4.2a;按投资收益与当地常见作物比较,山核桃>金银花>烤烟>水稻>甘薯>玉米;当地61%的农户对所种植的对山核桃经济效益比较满意。因此,在秀山县石漠化地区种植山核桃的经济效益较好,值得推广。

关 键 词:山核桃  经济效益  秀山县  石漠化地区

Analysis on the Economic Benefit of Walnut Plant in Rocky Desertification Area
Affiliation:Li Xinwei et al. ( 1 School of Geography Sciences, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)
Abstract:In order to analysis the economic benefits of planting walnut in rocky desertification area,taking xiushan country as an example. The investigate result was that:When the area of planting 14 year born walnut was 667m^2,the cumulative output was 94 620yuan,accumulative total of net cash flow was 84 902yuan,average profit margins was 6 064.4yuan,income from investments was 8.74,static payback period was 3.9a and dynamic payback period was 4.1a. According to the investment income compared with local common crops,walnut〉honeysuckle〉tobacco〉rice〉sweet potato〉maize. The 61 percent of peasants were satisfactory to the economic benefit of walnut plant. Therefore,the economic benefit of walnut plant in Rocky Desertification area was very good and deserved to popularization and utilization.
Keywords:Walnut  Economic benefit  Xiushan county  Rocky desertification area
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