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引用本文:杨明进,刘媛,杨宁权,王霞,陈晓军. 宁夏水稻田杂草稻发生情况初报[J]. 宁夏农林科技, 2012, 53(8): 49-50
作者姓名:杨明进  刘媛  杨宁权  王霞  陈晓军
摘    要:对宁夏种植水稻的8个市(县、区)稻田杂草稻发生危害情况的普查结果发现:宁夏水稻田杂草稻发生危害严重,杂草稻的乡镇分布率为97.78%,发生频率为73.43%,平均面积发生率为38.68%,宁夏杂草稻发生面积3.09万hm2。同时,就杂草稻的防除提出了建议。

关 键 词:杂草稻  危害  分布  发生频率

A Preliminary Study of Occurrence of Weedy Rice in Paddy Field in Ningxia
Affiliation:YANG Ming-jin et al.(Ningxia Agricultural Technology Extension Station,Yinchuan,Ningxia 750001)
Abstract:The results of a census of the occurrence of weedy rice in paddy fields in 8 rice-growing counties in Ningxia shows that the harm of the occurrence of weedy rice in paddy fields was serious.The weedy rice occurred in 97.78% of the townships,the frequency of occurrence was 73.43% and on the average,the weedy rice occurred in 38.68% of the paddy field area and the total paddy field area occurring weedy rice was 30,900 hm2 in Ningxia.Some suggestion for control of the weedy rice is given.
Keywords:Weedy rice  Harm  Distribution  Frequency of occurrence
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