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引用本文:凌去非,李思发,赵金良,张海军. 丁(鱼岁)不同群体的生化遗传多样性分析[J]. 上海水产大学学报, 2007, 0(3)
作者姓名:凌去非  李思发  赵金良  张海军
作者单位:苏州大学生命科学学院,上海水产大学农业部水产种质资源与养殖生态重点开放实验室,上海水产大学农业部水产种质资源与养殖生态重点开放实验室,新疆生产建设兵团农十师额河特种鱼类繁育场 江苏苏州215123,上海水产大学农业部水产种质资源与养殖生态重点开放实验室,上海200090,上海200090,上海200090,新疆北屯836000
摘    要:2002年10-11月,应用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶水平电泳,对我国新疆丁群体和从捷克引进的丁鱼岁群体各30尾个体的ADH、IDH、LDH、SDH、SOD、EST、MDH、ME、6PGDH、G3PDH等10种同工酶和1种肌蛋白进行分析。结果发现,我国丁鱼岁群体在EST-2、SOD、ADH和IDH等4种同工酶存在多态,捷克群体在EST-1、ADH和IDH等3种同工酶存在多态。我国新疆丁群体多态位点比例为28.57%,比捷克丁群体高(21.43%)。平均杂合度分别为0.061 9,也比捷克丁群体高(0.035 7)。捷克丁群体存在一定的杂合子缺失现象。因此,从遗传保护角度,应防止引入我国的捷克丁鱼岁群体进入新疆额尔齐斯河流域进行人工养殖,以免对我国丁天然资源造成污染。

关 键 词:丁(鱼岁)  群体  生化遗传多样性  同工酶

Analysis of biochemical genetic diversity of different populations of tench
LING Qu-fei,LI Si-fa,ZHAO Jin-liang,Zhang Hai-jun. Analysis of biochemical genetic diversity of different populations of tench[J]. Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University, 2007, 0(3)
Authors:LING Qu-fei  LI Si-fa  ZHAO Jin-liang  Zhang Hai-jun
Abstract:Thirty wild individuals of tench,Tinca tinca of Xinjiang population of China and thirty individuals of tench of Czech population,which were introduced into China in 1999,were collected in 2002.The isozymes of ADH,IDH,LDH,SDH,SOD,EST,MDH,ME,6PGDH,G3PDH and Muscle protein in their livers,muscles and other tissues were analyzed by using polyacrylamidae gel electroporesis.The loci of EST-2,SOD,ADH and IDH in Xinjiang population and loci of EST-1,ADH and IDH in Czech population were found to be polymorphic.The percentages of polymorphic loci of Xinjiang population and Czech population were 28.57% and 21.43% respectively,the mean heterozygosity were 0.0619 and 0.0357 respectively.It was found that there were some losses of heterozygosity in Czech population.Therefore,from the view of the genetic conservations,it was suggested that it should be forbidden to extend culture of tench of Czech population in Xinjiang Eltrix River basin.
Keywords:Tinca tinca  population  biochemical genetic diversity  isozyme
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