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引用本文:田福海 陈永欣. 玉米对茎腐病的抗性遗传研究[J]. 山西农业科学, 1995, 23(4): 42-46
作者姓名:田福海 陈永欣
摘    要:通过抗性及感性稳定的10个自交系完全双列杂交对腐霉菌(pythiumsp)引起的茎腐病的抗性遗传进行研究。结果表明;玉米对茎腐病的抗性存在极显著差异,F1的抗病性与亲本抗病性密切相关,且多偏向于感病亲本。正反交差异不明显,属于核基因控制的遗传性状,为不完全显性。基因加性效应大于显性效应,属于数量性状遗传,抗性遗传力较高。10个玉米自交系间一般配合力和特殊配合力存在极显著差异。

关 键 词:玉米茎腐病,腐霉菌,抗性遗传

Studies on the Inheritanc of Resistance to Stalk Rot in Maize
Abstract:By the complete allel cross wit ten self─bred lines of maize that have the stable resistances and susceptibilities, the inheritance of the resistance of maize to stalk rot caused by Pythium sp. were studied. The results were as follows; different maize varieties in resistance to stalkrot caused by pythium sp. had significant difference, and difference of reciprocal crosser were not significant ; the resistant inheritance of maize was controlled by nucleu gene(s) which was incomplete dominant; the resistance of F1 hybrids was controlled mainly by the resistance of their parents. The additive gene effect was more important than the dominant effect. The inheritance of resistance was guantitative inheritance and had higher inheritability. There are significant difference in resistant general and specific combining ability(GCA. SCA) in ten self─bred lines of maize.
Keywords:Maize stalk rot   Pythium   Inheritance of resistance
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