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引用本文:孙聪姝,王全富,祖伟,刘丽君. 施氮对大豆籽粒蛋白质积累的影响[J]. 东北农业大学学报, 2006, 37(1): 1-4
作者姓名:孙聪姝  王全富  祖伟  刘丽君
摘    要:
试验研究了施氮对大豆籽粒的蛋白质积累影响。结果表明,不同大豆品种籽粒蛋白质积累量均随种子发育而增加,但不同时期蛋白质积累速度有一定差异。籽粒形成前期(开花后30 ̄50d)蛋白质含量变化幅度不大;开花后50 d,东农42籽粒蛋白质含量呈现持续增长趋势,而绥农14、东农163开花后60 ̄67d出现下降,后期呈现增长。施氮抑制籽粒形成前期蛋白质的合成,随着籽粒形成,抑制现象逐渐消逝。不同品质类型大豆品种对施肥量反应不同,东农42的需氮量高于东农163和绥农14。

关 键 词:大豆  蛋白质  氮肥

Effect of nitrogen application on seed protein accumulation in soybean
SUN Cong-shu,WANG Quan-fu,ZU Wei,LIU Li-jun. Effect of nitrogen application on seed protein accumulation in soybean[J]. Journal of Northeast Agricultural University, 2006, 37(1): 1-4
Authors:SUN Cong-shu  WANG Quan-fu  ZU Wei  LIU Li-jun
Affiliation:Agriculture College, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin Heilongjiang 150030, PRC
Effects of nitrogen on seed protein accumulation in soybean were studied in this research. Results showed that seeds protein quantity of all tested varieties increased with the development of seeds, but the accumulation rate differed in various stage. In early stage of seed formation, protein contents changed little. Fifty days later after blossom, seeds protein content of Dongnong 42 showed a continuous increasing tendency, while that of Siunog 14 and Dongnong 163 showed a decline at 60-67 days after blossom, and then went up. Nitrogen application inhibited the synthesis of protein at early stage and this effect died away with the development of seeds. The reactions of different genotypes to the quantity of nitrogen were different, Dongnong 42 needed more nitrogen compared with Dongnong 163 and Suinong 14.
Keywords:soybean   protein   nitrogen fertilizer
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