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Senescence of the flag leaf and grain yield following late foliar and root applications of phosphate on plants of differing phosphorus status
Authors:G.D. Batten  I.F. Wardlaw
Affiliation:1. Department of Botany , The Australian National University , GPO Box 4, Canberra, ACT, 2601, Australia;2. Yanco Agricultural Institute , Yanco, NSW, 2703, Australia;3. Division of Plant Industry , CSIRO , GPO Box 1600, Canberra, ACT, 2601, Australia
Abstract:The balance between leaf senescence, induced by phosphorus deficiency, and grain growth was examined in wheat plants grown in sand with high (control) and low phosphorus (low‐P) nutrition. Foliar applications of P were made prior to anthesis and at early and mid grain development. Low‐P plants were also given an additional dose of P via the roots at mid grain development.

Foliar applications of P had no effect on leaf function (net CO2 exchange rate), or grain development in control plants. However, P applied to the flag leaf of low‐P plants delayed senescence and thus increased leaf area duration, but this did not result in a significant increase in grain yield per ear. Phosphorus applied to the ear surface (the glumes) of low‐P plants increased the concentration of P in the grain, but did not increase the number of cells per grain, or the grain yield per ear. The late application of P via the roots also delayed senescence in low‐P plants, but did not cause an increase in yield.

These experiments indicate that grain growth in low‐P plants is not limited by the level of supply of photosynthate, or the availability of P during the actual period of grain development. Phosphorus translocated to the grain late in plant development is used inefficiently in plants that are adequately supplied with phosphorus and in plants suffering from P deficiency.
Keywords:Triticum aestivum (L.)  grain yield  photosynthesis  phosphorus
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