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Intensification of redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus culture: II. Growout in a separate cell system
Authors:Rivka Manor   Ran Segev   Marcia Pimenta Leibovitz   Eliahu D. Aflalo  Amir Sagi  

a Department of Life Sciences and the Institute for Applied Biosciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel

b Aquaculture Unit Negev-Arava Research and Development, Sapir, D.N., Arava 86825, Israel

Abstract:In the process of exploring ways to intensify crayfish culture, a growout system of individual cages (cells) was designed to determine the effects of gender and cell size on the growth of the red claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Cells of three different diameters—large (25 cm), medium (20 cm) and small (16 cm)—were used. When crayfish were stocked at a mean weight of approximately 10 g, growth rate of males was significantly higher than that of females. The growth rate of the males in the large cells was 0.31±0.14 g/day, while that of the females was 0.18±0.09 g/day. The size of the cell had significant influence on the weight of males. Male crayfish in the large and medium cells grew better than those in the small cells. When males were stocked at a higher mean weight (about 23 g), their mean weight after 206 days was higher in the large cells (69.28±15.72 g) than in the small cells (58.11±12.66 g), suggesting that the growth of large males was also affected by cell size. Regardless of cell size, male animals of this species grew faster than females under conditions of individual cells. This intensive culture method appears to present a powerful improvement in yields, by as much as two orders of magnitude, in comparison with communal cultures.
Keywords:Crayfish   Red claw   Cherax quadricarinatus   Individual cell   Intensive culture   Growth
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