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引用本文:李永华 康玉凡 陶礼明 刘宝平. 工厂化豆芽生产回收水的臭氧生物活性炭技术净化效果研究[J]. 中国农学通报, 2011, 27(25): 133-137
作者姓名:李永华 康玉凡 陶礼明 刘宝平
作者单位:1. 中国农业大学农学与生物技术学院,北京,100193
2. 宁波五龙潭蔬菜食品有限公司,浙江宁波,318020
3. 北京东升方圆农业种植开发有限公司,北京,101105
摘    要:为了研究臭氧生物活性炭技术对豆芽工厂化生产过程回收水中有机物及部分无机物的去除效果,及不同水质对豆芽品质的影响,模拟豆芽工厂化生产工艺,用不同水样进行发芽试验,对不同水质及豆芽品质进行方差及相关性分析。结果表明,本试验处理工艺对总磷、COD、总有机碳去除率分别为50.90%、60.19%、67.51%,对无机盐铁、硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐、硫酸盐、磷酸盐的去除率分别为80.68%、22.84%、55.17%、21.46%、42.67%。豆芽的产量、下胚轴长、下胚轴粗及根长与水中总磷、COD、总有机碳及硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐、磷酸盐含量呈极显著负相关(P<0.01)。臭氧生物活性炭技术可有效去除工厂化豆芽生产回收水中的有机物、部分无机物,净化水各项指标基本达到《生活饮用水卫生标准》,回收水及净化出水均某种程度上降低了豆芽的品质,不同水质对豆芽品质的影响较大。

关 键 词:主成分分析  主成分分析  

A Study of Effect of Ozone-biological Activated Carbon Process in Treating Circulating Water of Factory Germination Process
Li Yonghua,Kang Yufan,Tao Liming,Liu Baoping. A Study of Effect of Ozone-biological Activated Carbon Process in Treating Circulating Water of Factory Germination Process[J]. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2011, 27(25): 133-137
Authors:Li Yonghua  Kang Yufan  Tao Liming  Liu Baoping
Affiliation:Li Yonghua 1,Kang Yufan 1,Tao Liming 2,Liu Baoping 3 (1 College of Agronomy and Biotechnology,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,2 Ningbo Wulongtan Vegetable Food Limited Company,Ningbo Zhejiang 318020,3 Beijing Dongsheng Fangyuan Farming Development Limited Company,Beijing 101105)
Abstract:In order to study the effect of ozone-biological activated carbon process in removing organism and part of the inorganic of circulating water of factory germination process,and the impact of different kinds of water on the characteristics of bean sprouts,the author simulated factory germination process,utilized various water for cultivating bean sprouts.Then the water quality and the characteristics of bean sprouts were analyzed with the methods of correlation and variance analysis.The results showed that o...
Keywords:factory germination process  ozone-biological activated carbon process  circulating water  organism  inorganic matter  
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