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引用本文:杨永辉,武继承,张玉亭,潘晓莹,丁晋利,张洁梅,何方,王越. 耕作与保墒措施对小麦不同生育阶段水分利用及产量的影响[J]. 华北农学报, 2016, 0(3): 184-190. DOI: 10.7668/hbnxb.2016.03.027
作者姓名:杨永辉  武继承  张玉亭  潘晓莹  丁晋利  张洁梅  何方  王越
作者单位:1. 河南省农业科学院 植物营养与资源环境研究所,河南 郑州 450002; 农业部作物高效用水科学观测实验站,河南 原阳 453514;2. 河南省农业科学院 植物营养与资源环境研究所,河南 郑州,450002;3. 郑州师范学院,河南 郑州,450044
摘    要:为探明不同耕作与保墒措施下冬小麦不同生育阶段的水分利用特征,采用田间试验,研究了普通耕作、深松、秸秆覆盖、保水剂、有机肥等措施对小麦不同生育阶段的耗水量、干物质积累量、水分利用及产量等的影响。结果表明,在小麦不同生育阶段均以秸秆覆盖和深松处理的保墒、储水效果较佳。在小麦整个生育期中,有机肥处理的耗水量最大,而深松和秸秆覆盖处理较少。在小麦拔节期前,有机肥处理更利于干物质的积累;在小麦拔节-孕穗期,以保水剂和深松处理积累的干物质量较高。孕穗期以后,秸秆覆盖处理的干物质积累量均高于其他处理,且秸秆覆盖处理在小麦全生育期的干物质积累量也较高。除返青-拔节期和孕穗-扬花期外,小麦不同生育阶段的水分利用效率均以秸秆覆盖处理最高,且其产量和水分生产效率均高于其他处理,其产量较普通耕作提高了50.9%,水分生产效率提高了11.7 kg/(mm·hm~2)。综上所述,秸秆覆盖处理较其他措施更能有效地改善小麦不同生育阶段的水分环境,从而促进小麦产量和水分利用率的提高。

关 键 词:耕作  保墒  生育阶段  干物质量  水分利用

Effects of Tillage,Moisture Conservation on Water Use and Yield in Wheat at Different Growth Stages
Abstract:To develop the better practices of tillage,moisture conservation and soil improvement for improving water use at different growth stages of wheat,a field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of the con-ventional tillage (CK),subsoiling,straw mulching,super absorbent polymer (SAP)and organic fertilizer on water consumption,dry biomass accumulation and water utilization at different growth stages of wheat.The results showed that:at the different growth stages of wheat,the treatments of straw mulching and subsoiling were better in preserving soil moisture.During the whole growth period of wheat,the water consumption of the treatment of organic fertilizer was the largest in all treatments,while the consumption of the treatments of subsoiling and straw mulch was less compared with other treatments.Before jointing stage of wheat,the treatment of organic fertilizer was more advanta-geous to the accumulation of dry biomass.From jointing to booting stage,dry biomass of the treatments of SAP and subsoiling were higher than other treatments.After flowering growth stage and at the whole growth period,dry bio-mass of the treatment of straw mulching was the highest compared with other treatments.And in addition to regreen-ing-jointing and booting-flowering stage,water use efficiency at different growth stages of the treatment of straw mulching was still the highest.The water production efficiency and the water production efficiency of the treatment of straw mulching was still highest,increased by 50.9% and 1 1 .7 kg /(mm·ha)respectively,compared with the CK.The results of this study showed that the straw mulching could improve the water environment at different growth stages of wheat,so as to improve the yield and water utilization of wheat.
Keywords:Tillage  Soil moisture  Growth stage  Dry biomass  Water use
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