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引用本文:郭鑫年,孙娇,梁锦绣,周涛,田旭东,陈刚. 栽培方式与施磷量对水稻养分累积、分配及磷素平衡的影响[J]. 中国土壤与肥料, 2017, 0(4): 104-111. DOI: 10.11838/sfsc.20170416
作者姓名:郭鑫年  孙娇  梁锦绣  周涛  田旭东  陈刚
作者单位:1. 宁夏农林科学院农业资源与环境研究所,宁夏银川,750002;2. 青铜峡市农业综合开发办公室,宁夏青铜峡,751600
摘    要:
针对宁夏引黄灌区水稻磷肥施用不合理的问题,探索水稻增产与养分高效的磷肥供应与相应的栽培模式之间的关系,以指导该地区水稻生产。通过在宁夏引黄灌区进行的田间试验,研究插秧和直播两种栽培模式下不同供磷水平(P2O50、45、90、135、180 kg/hm2)对水稻产量、不同器官氮磷钾养分含量、累积量及其分配比例、水稻磷肥利用效率及磷素平衡的影响。结果表明:插秧栽培较直播栽培水稻实粒增产15.6%,瘪粒产量降低184.0%。两种栽培方式下,水稻产量随着施磷量增加而增加,插秧栽培增产幅度为64.6%~68.7%,直播栽培增产幅度为24.2%~42.6%。施磷量和水稻籽粒产量之间有极显著的二次曲线关系,插秧水稻最高产量施磷量为158.5 kg/hm2,最佳经济产量施磷量为146.7 kg/hm2,比直播处理降低11.42%、8.9%。与直播处理相比,插秧处理实粒、地上部的氮素累积量分别提高12.3%、12.01%,磷素累积量降低6.39%、2.61%,钾素累积量提高了11.67%、17.87%。直播处理100 kg籽粒氮磷钾消耗比例为1∶0.35∶0.6,插秧处理为1∶0.30∶0.64。插秧处理水稻磷肥利用效率、偏生产力、农学利用效率、生理利用效率较直播处理分别提高了17.4%、8.6%、38.4%、4.6%,两种栽培方式下,当施磷量超过135 kg/hm2后水稻磷素携出量开始下降,施磷处理磷肥表观平衡均表现为盈余。综合考虑提高水稻产量、效益、磷肥当季回收率及维持土壤磷素平衡等因素,在本试验条件下,插秧处理最佳施磷范围为P2O5146.7~158.5 kg/hm2,直播处理为P2O5159.8~176.6 kg/hm2较为适宜。

关 键 词:栽培方式  施磷量  水稻  养分累积与分配  磷平衡

Cultivation way and phosphorus fertilizer on rice nutrient accumulation,distribution and soil phosphorus balance
GUO Xin-nian,SUN Jiao,LIANG Jin-xiu,ZHOU Tao,TIAN Xu-dong,CHEN Gang. Cultivation way and phosphorus fertilizer on rice nutrient accumulation,distribution and soil phosphorus balance[J]. Soil and Fertilizer Sciences, 2017, 0(4): 104-111. DOI: 10.11838/sfsc.20170416
Authors:GUO Xin-nian  SUN Jiao  LIANG Jin-xiu  ZHOU Tao  TIAN Xu-dong  CHEN Gang
In view of the unreasonable P application of rice at Yellow River irrigation area in Ningxia,the rice yield and nutrient efficiency of P fertilizer and corresponding cultivation mode were explored to aid in the production of rice.A field experiment was conducted to study the impact of P application rates (P2O5 0,45,90,135,180 kg/hm2) on grain yield,different organs N,P,K nutrient content,cumulant and its allocation proportion.At the same time the P utilization efficiency and soil P balance under transplanting and direct seeding cultivation modes were researched.The results showed that:transplanting cultivation increased rice actual grain yield by 15.6% compared to direct seeding cultivation,decreased empty grain yield by 184.0%.The rice yield increased with increasing application rate of P fertilizer under both two cultivation modes.The transplanting cultivation increased rice yield rate range from 64.6% to 68.7%,while the direct seeding cultivation ranged from 24.2% to 42.6%.The effects of P application rates and grain yield were quadratic related significantly (P < 0.01).For the maximum yield P application rate was 158.5 kg/hm2 and the best economic yield P application rate was 146.7 kg/hm2 under the transplanting cultivation,which were 11.42% and 8.9% lower than direct seeding cultivation.Compared with direct seeding cultivation,the transplanting cultivation increased the grain and N accumulation in shoots by 12.3% and 12.01%,reduced the P accumulation rates by 6.39% and 2.61%,and increased the K accumulation rates by 11.67% and 17.87%,respectively.The N,P,K consumption ratio of grain 100 kg under direct seeding cultivation was 1 ∶ 0.35∶ 0.6,while under transplanting treatment was 1∶ 0.30∶ 0.64.The rice P use efficiency,partial factor productivity,agronomic efficiency,and physiological efficiency under transplanting cultivation respectively increased by 17.4%,8.6%,38.4%,4.6% comparing to the direct seeding cultivation.The P content of rice decreased with the amount of P in excess of 135 kg/hm2 under both cultivation modes.While the apparent balance of P showed as surplus in all P application rates.In conclusion,from the aspects of rice yield,efficiency,recovery rate of P fertilizer and maintaining soil P balance,the P fertilizer application rate for rice which ranged from P2O5 146.7 ~ 158.5 kg/hm2 under transplanting cultivation and P2O5 159.8 ~ 176.6 kg/hm2 under direct seeding cultivation in this study could be the appropriate threshold.
Keywords:the cultivation mode  amount of phosphorus  rice  nutrient accumulation and distribution  the phosphorus balance
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