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引用本文:翟丙年,李生秀. 氮素对冬小麦生长发育及产量的亏缺和补偿效应[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2005, 11(3): 308-313. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2005.0304
作者姓名:翟丙年  李生秀
作者单位:1.西北农林科技大学资源环境学院 陕西杨陵712100
摘    要:通过盆栽试验研究了正常灌水条件下不同生育阶段氮素亏缺对冬小麦生长发育及产量的影响。结果表明,越冬期不施氮能明显减少冬小麦的分蘖数和地上、地下部生物量,对地上部影响大于地下部,使根冠比增大;越冬期和拔节期不施氮能显著降低冬小麦的产量,而后期缺氮对产量的影响不大;越冬期不施氮能明显降低冬小麦的有效穗数,拔节期不施氮对千粒重影响较大;而抽穗期和成熟期不施氮则对穗粒数具有显著的影响。总的来看,冬小麦对氮素的亏缺敏感期在越冬期和拔节期,补偿有效期在拔节期。

关 键 词:冬小麦   氮素亏缺   生长发育   产量及构成因素

Response to nitrogen deficiency and compensation on growth and yield of winter wheat
ZHAI Bing-nian,LI Sheng-xiu. Response to nitrogen deficiency and compensation on growth and yield of winter wheat[J]. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2005, 11(3): 308-313. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2005.0304
Authors:ZHAI Bing-nian  LI Sheng-xiu
Affiliation:1.College of Resour. and Envir. Sci.;Northwestern Sci-Tech Univ. of Agric. and For.;Yangling;Shaanxi 712100;China
Abstract:Water and fertilizer are the most two active controlled factors that affect the yield of specific crops under specific ecologic conditions in an agricultural production system. In order to tackle the problem of the water resources shortage and low fertilizer use efficiency in dryland farming in north China, water and nutrient must be coordinated. For this purpose, the key and sensitive stage of water and nutrient coordination should be ascertained firstly, according to the law of their demand to water and nutrient. Many studies have been conducted to ascertain the key stage of winter wheat to (nitrogen,) but conclusions are not accordant. In this paper, pot experiments were carried out to study responses to nitrogen deficiency and compensation on the growth and yield of winter wheat at different stages under a normal irrigated condition, so that, the stress sensitive and compensative stage of winter wheat demanding nitrogen are fixed. Results indicated that the sensitive stages of winter wheat responding to nitrogen deficiency are over winter and jointing stage. The compensative stage is jointing stage. Nitrogen deficiency at over winter stage reduced the tillering number and dry weights of above-ground parts and root significantly. The effect on above-ground parts is greater than that of root and the R/S ratio reached maximum at this stage. Nitrogen deficiency at over winter and jointing stage reduced the yield of winter wheat markedly, but the effect on yield was neglected at late stage. The spikelet bearing number and 1000-grain weight reduced due to the nitrogen deficiency at over winter stage, while nitrogen deficiency at heading stage and maturity stage had (significant) effect on grain number per spike.
Keywords:winter wheat  nitrogen deficiency  growth and development  yield
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