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引用本文:陈佳 李凤英 邱勇娟 覃秀菊 闭瀛尹. 广西桂中野生茶树叶片解剖结构的观察与分析[J]. 中国农学通报, 2014, 30(10): 197-202. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-2111
作者姓名:陈佳 李凤英 邱勇娟 覃秀菊 闭瀛尹
作者单位:1. 广西桂林茶叶科学研究所2. 广西师范大学生命科学学院3. 广西壮族自治区桂林茶叶科学研究所4. 广西靖西县靖西中学
摘    要:采用石蜡切片和离析方法制片,光学显微镜观察,对广西桂中野生茶树资源8个株系的叶片进行了解剖学研究,从解剖学的角度比较分析它们的抗逆性和潜在生产力。结果表明:桂中野生茶树8个株系的叶片结构均具有一定的抗寒、抗病虫和抗旱特征,表现出较强的抗逆力,但生产力指数普遍较低。其中,RB4号的综合抗性最强,生产力指数与广西新育成品种尧山秀绿接近;其次是RB1号、RB3号、RB5号和RB8号,抗寒、抗病虫和抗旱力较强。试验为茶树资源的快速鉴定与选育提供解剖学依据。

关 键 词:趋光率  趋光率  

Observation and comparison of leaves anatomy structures of wild Camellia sinensis from center of Guangxi
Affiliation:Chen Jia, Li Fengying, Qiu Yongjuan, Qin Xiuju, Bi Yingyi (1.Tea Science and Research Institute of Guilin, Guilin Guangxi 541004; 2.College of Life Science, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin Guangxi 541004; 3.Guangxi Institute of Excellent Tea Varieties, Lingyun Guangxi 533100; 4Middle School of Jinxi County, Jinxi Guangxi 533899)
Abstract:The anatomy structures of leaves of 8 strains of wild Camellia sinensis from center of Guangxi were studied by paraffin-sectioning and optical microtechnique to analyze and compare the ability in resistance and potential productivity. All of the 8 strains showed marked resistance feature (including anti-drought, anti-cold, and anti-pest respectively) with a low productivity index. The strain of RB4 showed the strongest ability in resistance with a productivity index near to new varieties Yaoshanxiulv cultivated in Guangxi, followed by RB1, RB3, RB5, and RB8, respectively. The results could provide the anatomy foundation to the identification and cultivating of tea resources.
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