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引用本文:宋镇庆 梁景颐. 辽宁省水霉的分类研究[J]. 沈阳农业大学学报, 1994, 25(3): 250-253
作者姓名:宋镇庆 梁景颐
摘    要:1988~1992年从辽宁省的沈阳、辽阳、抚顺、铁岭、丹东、鞍山、盘锦和营口等地的稻田中采集稻田土、稻田水、水稻绵腐病粒等样品,经室内用煮熟露出胚芽的大麻种子诱发、单体分离、纯化培养与形态观察,共鉴定出7属29种水霉科真菌,其中国内新记录种10个,即:星状丝囊霉(AphanomycesstellatusdeBary),含糊绵霉(AchlyaambisexualisJ.K.Raper);显著绵霉(AchlyaconspicuaCoker);集孢霉(Calyptralegniaachlyodes(CokerandCouch)Cokder);马格网囊霉(DictyuchusmagnusiiLindstedt);密苏里网囊霉(DictyuchusmissouriensisCouch),基雄水霉(SaprloegniahypogynaPringsheim),拉伯兰水霉(SaprloenialapponicaGaumnn),同丝水霉聚团变种(Saprolegniamonoicavar.glomerataTiesenhausen)和原绵破囊霉(ThraustothecaprimoachlyaCokerandCouch),

关 键 词:辽宁 水霉 新记录种

The Taxonomy of Saprolegniaceous Fungi in Liaoning Province
Song Zhenqing,Liang Jingyi,Liu Weicheng. The Taxonomy of Saprolegniaceous Fungi in Liaoning Province[J]. Journal of Shenyang Aricultural University, 1994, 25(3): 250-253
Authors:Song Zhenqing  Liang Jingyi  Liu Weicheng
Abstract:A research on saprolegnious fungi isolated from the paddy soil and water in Liaoning province between 1988 and 1992 was launched. A total of 29 spotes distrbuted in 7 genera were identified (including 28 first reported ones in Liaoning province), of which 10 species were new ones in China. All the specimens are deposited in Mycologicl Herbarium of Shenyang Agricultural University.
Keywords:Liaoning  water mold  new record species
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